npm install @rollup/plugin-html --save-dev Usage Create arollup.config.jsconfiguration fileand import the plugin: consthtml=require('@rollup/plugin-html');module.exports={input:'src/index.js',output:{dir:'output',format:'cjs'},plugins:[html()]}; ...
Localized plugin docs 简体中文(by@wenjayliu) Install Using pnpm: pnpm add -D rollup-plugin-html-insert Usage Create arollup.config.jsconfiguration fileand import the plugin: importhtmlInsertfrom'rollup-plugin-html-insert'exportdefault{input:'src/main.js',output:{dir:'output',format:'iife'},pl...
1 ### rollup-plugin-html-bundle 2 ### Plugin for rollup that generates a html file from a template that either has the bundle included using a script-tag with src or inlined in a script-tag. 3 4 Will by default place a query string with v = at the end of the ...
1# rollup-plugin-html [![Build Status](]( 2 3Rollup plugin for loading content of HTML files to use as string variable in JavaScript code. ...
yarn add vite-plugin-html 修改vite.config.ts: import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url' import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import vueJsx from '@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx' import vueDevTools from 'vite-plugin-vue-devtools' ...
npm install -D rollup-plugin-bundle-html Usage importhtmlfrom'rollup-plugin-bundle-html';exportdefault{input:'src/main.js',output: {file:'dist/foo/bundle.js', },plugins: [ html({template:'src/template.html',// or html code: '<html><head></head><body></body></html>'dest:"dist/...
npm install @rollup/plugin-babel @babel/core @babel/preset-env--save-dev 1. 然后在配置文件中添加该插件: 复制 importbabelfrom'@rollup/plugin-babel';exportdefault{// ...其他配置...plugins:[babel({presets:[['@babel/preset-env',{targets:{browsers:['> 1%','last 2 versions']}}]]})]}...
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-html-input ``` ## Usage ```javascript // rollup.config.js const htmlPlugin = require('rollup-plugin-html-input'); module.exports = { input: 'index.html', output: { format: 'iife', dir: './dist' } plugins: [ htmlPlugin() ] } ``` ### ...
import livereload from 'rollup-plugin-livereload' export default { ... plugins:[ serve({ contentBase: '', //服务器启动的文件夹,默认是项目根目录,需要在该文件下创建index.html port: 8020 //端口号,默认10001 }), livereload('dist') //watch dist目录,当目录中的文件发生变化时,刷新页面 ...