pnpm add -D rollup-plugin-html-insert Usage Create arollup.config.jsconfiguration fileand import the plugin: importhtmlInsertfrom'rollup-plugin-html-insert'exportdefault{input:'src/main.js',output:{dir:'output',format:'iife'},plugins:[htmlInsert()]} ...
npm install @rollup/plugin-html --save-dev Usage Create arollup.config.jsconfiguration fileand import the plugin: consthtml=require('@rollup/plugin-html');module.exports={input:'src/index.js',output:{dir:'output',format:'cjs'},plugins:[html()]}; ...
1 ### rollup-plugin-html-bundle 2 ### Plugin for rollup that generates a html file from a template that either has the bundle included using a script-tag with src or inlined in a script-tag. 3 4 Will by default place a query string with v = at the end of the ...
npm install @rollup/plugin-html --save-dev Usage Create arollup.config.jsconfiguration fileand import the plugin: consthtml =require('@rollup/plugin-html');module.exports = {input:'src/index.js',output: {dir:'output',format:'cjs'},plugins: [html()] }; Then callrollupeither via theCLI...
rollup-plugin-html/package.json Version: 1.01 kBJSONView Raw 1{ 2"name":"rollup-plugin-html", 3"version":"0.2.1", 4"description":"HTML import plugin for rollup", 5"main":"dist/rollup-plugin-html.js", 6"jsnext:main":"dist/rollup-plugin-html.mjs", ...
npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-html-input ``` ## Usage ```javascript // rollup.config.js const htmlPlugin = require('rollup-plugin-html-input'); module.exports = { input: 'index.html', output: { format: 'iife', dir: './dist' } plugins: [ htmlPlugin() ] } ``` ### ...
vue3+vite+ts+element-plus+rollup-plugin-external-globals+vite-plugin-html,提高打包速度,提高网页打开速度 优化前 优化后 装包: yarn add rollup-plugin-external-globals vite.config.ts: import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url' import { defineConfig } from 'vite'...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for @open-wc/rollup-plugin-html. Plugin for generating an html file with rollup
In the meantime both [building-rollup](/building/building-rollup.html) and [@open-wc/rollup-plugin-html]( have tips for these types of projects. We are still in the process of investigating and documenting our recommendations for this. ...
import { visualizer } from 'rollup-plugin-visualizer' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [visualizer()] }) 打包后,会在根目录下生成一个 stats.html文件,用浏览器打开后,如下图: vite-plugin-restart 通过监听文件修改,自动重启 vite 服务