Rollup hookthe plugin should use. By default, plugin runs when rollup has finished bundling, before bundle is written to disk. copy({targets:[{src:'assets/*',dest:'dist/public'}],hook:'writeBundle'}) copyOnce Type:boolean| Default:false ...
1# rollup-copy-plugin 2 3Simple rollup plugin to copy files. 4 5## Usage 6 7**NB:**This plugin only copies files once when rollup start, any later changes will not be copied (before you start rollup again). 8 9```js 10import copyPlugin from 'rollup-copy-plugin'; ...
接下来我们改造一下rollup.config.js,下面代码直接覆盖进去即可,注意我们还使用了rollup-plugin-clear插件在每次编译前先清空目标代码文件夹: importclearfrom'rollup-plugin-clear'importscreepsfrom'rollup-plugin-screeps'importcopyfrom'rollup-plugin-copy'letconfig// 根据指定的目标获取对应的配置项if(!process.env.D...
4 "main": "dist/rollup-copy-plugin.cjs.js", 5 "module": "dist/", 6 "jsnext:main": "dist/", 7 "license": "MIT", 8 "repository": "", 9 "dependencies": {}, 10 "de...
Copy additional assets into the output directory of your rollup bundle.. Latest version: 2.0.3, last published: 4 years ago. Start using rollup-plugin-copy-assets in your project by running `npm i rollup-plugin-copy-assets`. There are 36 other projects i
1. @rollup/plugin-commonjs:将 CommonJS 模块转换为 ES2015 供 Rollup 处理 @rollup/plugin-commonjs是一个用于将CommonJS模块转换为ES6模块的Rollup插件。它的主要作用是允许Rollup打包CommonJS模块(如Node.js中的模块)而不是只打包ES6模块。 举个例子,假设您的项目包含一个使用CommonJS语法编写的模块,例如: ...
When packing with vite, I used ‘rollup-plugin-copy’ to copy some files. During the packaging process, you can see that the files are copied correctly. However, after packing, the files with good copy were deleted. How can I configure it ...
As I understand from the docs, I should use '@web/rollup-plugin-copy' instead of 'rollup-plugin-copy'. However, the 'original' does have a dest option to change the destination folder. Do you plan to introduce the dest option, or should I use rollup-plugin-copy for my purposes? (Whi...
rollup的插件其实一个普通的函数,函数返回一个对象,该对象包含一些基础属性(如name),和不同阶段的钩子函数,像这个样子: Copy functionplugin(options = {}) {return{name:'rollup-plugin',transform() {return{code:'code',map: {mappings:''} };
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve是为了允许我们加载第三方依赖,否则像import React from 'react'的依赖导入语句将不会被 Rollup 识别。 @rollup/plugin-commonjs的作用是将 CommonJS 格式的代码转换为 ESM 格式 然后让我们在配置文件中导入这些插件: 代码语言:javascript ...