针对你遇到的“rollup failed to resolve import 'moment'”问题,我可以提供以下解决方案,帮助你逐一排查并解决问题: 检查项目依赖中是否包含"moment": 打开你的项目根目录下的package.json文件,查看dependencies或devDependencies部分是否列出了moment。如果没有,你需要安装它。 确认"moment"包是否正确安装: 在命令行中运...
The plugin uses rollup config as part of cache key.object-hashis used to generate a hash, but it can't hash certain elements at the moment. Setting this option to true will makeobject-hashignore unknowns, at the cost of not invalidating the cache if ignored elements are changed. Only en...
you are right dude, but in my opinion they should fix that issue and also give an explanation why the import { ethers } from 'ethers' doesn't work, in my case I got an << Uncaught TypeError: Error resolving module specifier “ethers”. Relative module specifiers must start with “./”...
Unfortunately I could not dig further at the moment, but it looks like when upgrading from 11.0.2 to 11.1.0, this now gets interpreted as imports within aif. Triggering the same error message as OP's. Collaborator shellscapecommentedApr 17, 2020• ...