error during build: Error: [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import"element-plus/es/components"from"node_modules/element-plus/es/index.js". Thisismost likely unintended because it canbreakyour application at runtime. If youdowant to externalizethismodule explicitly add it to `build.rollupOptions...
[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "APlayer" from "./APlayer/index.vue".This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime. 这个错误提示是在你使用 Vite 构建项目时遇到的。 错误信息提示 Rollup 在构建过程中无法解析 import "APlayer",而且这很可能会在运行时破坏你...
#5520: Resolve import.meta.{filename,dirname} in files imported from config (@BPScott) #5521: docs: correct base32 to base36 in documentation (@highcastlee) 4.17.2 2024-04-30 Bug Fixes Fix tree-shaking problems when using spread arguments (#5503) Pull Requests #5501: Slightly improve ...
vite打包异常,错误信息如下: [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "element-plus/es/components" from "node_modules/element-plus/es/index.js". This is most likel ...
If youdowant to externalizethismodule explicitly add it to `build.rollupOptions.external` error during build: Error: [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import"element-plus/es/components"from"node_modules/element-plus/es/index.js". Thisismost likely unintended because it canbreakyour application at...