英文习语roll in the dough什么意思?相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 在钱里打滚. "赚很多钱"在美语中以"坐在钱堆上"来表达,说成roll in dough. dough是money的俗语,所以roll in dough直译成"在钱堆里打滚"的意思; 在日常会话中,有时会用wallow这个字来代替roll,说成wallow in dough,这两者都是make a lot ...
“roll in dough”是一个英语习语,直接意思是“财源广进”或“赚大钱”,用来形容某人经济上的富裕状态或拥有大量的金钱。以下是对这个短语的详细解释: 一、短语含义 “roll in dough”中的“dough”原意是面团,但在这里引申为“钱”或“财富”。整个短语则形象地表达了...
roll in dough谚语 “Roll in dough”是一个英语习语,意思是“财源广进”、“赚大钱”或“富有”。它用于形容某人拥有大量的金钱或财富。 以下是一些包含“roll in dough”的谚语: 1. "Money rolls in like the tide when you're doing well in business."(生意兴隆时,财源滚滚来。) 2. "The rich keep...
The meaning of ROLL is a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record. How to use roll in a sentence.
“roll in dough”是一个习语,意思是非常富有、家财万贯。 从词性方面来看,“roll”在这里是动词,有滚动的意思,“dough”是名词,本义是面团,但在这个习语中表示金钱。 其释义为赚大钱。例如“Ronnie is rolling in dough now that he owns three successful restaurants.”(罗尼现在拥有三家成功的餐馆,赚了大钱...
“roll in dough”这个谚语真的很有意思呢!它是一个非常地道的英语习语,用来形容一个人非常富有,家财万贯,就像是财源滚滚来一样。 在这里,“roll”是动词,表示滚动的意思,而“dough”原本是名词,指的是用来制作面包和糕点的生面团。但在这个习语里,“dough”被引申为金钱的含义。想象一下,如果你有很多钱,那是...
The meaning of ROLL is a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record. How to use roll in a sentence.
case dough n. 贮蓄的钱,小笔存款,私房钱 dough like phr. 面团状的 roll in 辊压,滚入,换入 cold( )roll 冷轧 roll on adj. 滚搽式容器装的(除臭剂) roll out/roll in 转出/转入法一种内存管理过程,使某些程序可以临时从内存中退出,置于磁盘内存上,当某个作业完成以后再返回主存储器。某些操...
roll with it To adapt to a situation despite unexpected circumstances or challenges.I had no idea it was going to be a double date, but I decided to just roll with it, and it actually turned out to be fun.The first act dropped out, so we're on in five minutes. I know we thought...
The meaning of ROLL is a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record. How to use roll in a sentence.