Lay people in the Asian church : a critical study of the role of the laity in the contextual theology of the Federation of Asian Bishops\u27 Conferences (1970-2001) with special reference to John Paul II\u27s Apostolic Exhortations Christifideles Laici (1989) and Ecclesia in Asia (1999) ...
THE FUTURE ROLE OF PRIESTS AND LAITY IN THE CHURCH IN SLOVENIAChurchSloveniaparishpastoral carepriestslaitysurveyPerše,Brigita
Christofides, P., 2009, `The rediscovery of the role of the laity in the mission of the church - with reference to the Baptist Union of Southern Africa (BUSA)', PhD Thesis, Dept. of Science of Religion and Missiology, University of Pretoria....
Christofides, P., 2009, `The rediscovery of the role of the laity in the mission of the church - with reference to the Baptist Union of southern Africa (BUSA)', PhD thesis, Dept. of Science of Religion and Missiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa....
Archbishop Spells out Bold Vision of Changed Church in Wales with Laity Given Greater Role; COMMISSION TO EXAMINE SAME-SEX MARRIAGEByline: DAVIDA WILLIAMSON Political Editor Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Analysis: Voice of the Faithful meet and speak out about the sex scandal in the church and call for greater role for the laitySTEVE INSKEEP
Targeting YY1 in cancer cells for its inhibition or targeting its protective proteins will reverse resistance and allow for cancer cells to respond to therapies, tumor regression and the prolongation of survival. Citation: Jung, M.; Bui, I.; Bonavida, B. Role of YY1 in the Regulation of ...
A new church Catholic laity assumes broader roleRichard Higgins, Globe Staff