, andclerestories. During the Renaissance, naves become more simplified and were given more balanced proportions. The naves of churches could be embellished and decorated with art, particularly depicting biblical scenes, which were used to help illustrate biblical stories for the illiterate laity....
Buddhism contains an excellent moral code, including one for the monks and another for the laity, but it is much more than an ordinary moral teaching. Morality (s´la) is only the preliminary stage and is a means to an end, but not an end in itself. Though absolutely essential, it ...
not as domineering over your allotted congregations, but as being examples of the flock.Mace New Testamentnot to domineer over the laity, but to be examples for their imitation;Weymouth New Testamentnot lording it over your Churches but proving yourselves patterns for the flock to imitate.Worrell...
and important ceremonies like the coronations and funerals of rulers have sometimes required thesacrificeof many human beings. Among the laity, entry into a religious society or the assumption of any other new religious role is customarily an event celebrated by such rites as those of baptism and...
Christianity (in the early church and in some modern Churches) a female member of the laity with duties similar to those of a deacon Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000...
Laïcité might be better translated as “the lay principle,” a mode of secularism that supports the laity against the clergy and promotes a nonreligious state identity—what some scholars might call a civil religion. Following Calvin, French laïcité trades upon a notion of a public/private...
In theearly Christian church, wandering bishops were a problem, primarily because some bishops wereconsecratedbut were not given jurisdiction over a diocese. In addition, theological controversies in the 4th and 5th centuries often resulted in bishops being deprived of their sees. They retained their...