Transplantation Research CenterBrigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMAUSAJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdThe FASEB JournalZandi-Nejad K, Takakura A, Jurewicz M, Chandraker AK, Offermanns S, Mount D, Abdi R (2013) The role of HCA2 (GPR109A) in regulating macrophage function. ...
Given the pivotal role of IFN-γ in the advancement of CVD, activation of its signaling pathways is being explored as a driver of atherosclerosis. Manipulation of this key cytokine may lead to novel therapeutic avenues for CVD prevention and treatment. A number of therapies are being explored wi...
Extracorporeal blood purification has been widely used in intensive care medicine, nephrology, toxicology, and other fields. During the last decade, with the emergence of new adsorptive blood purification devices, hemoadsorption has been increasingly app
arates of death in the ICU and in the hospital and rates of survival at 90 days were similar in the 2 groups.pantens in the late-initiation group,as compared with the early-initiation group,had fewer ICU infections() and a lower incidence of cholestasis. the late-initiation group had a...
The emergence of organoid models has made it possible to culture certain cancerous tissues in vitro. Compared with the traditional 2D cell culture model, 3D cultured organoids contain a variety of cell types, can form functional "micro-organs", and can be better used to simulate the ...
pressure, and PaO2/FiO2ratio, shorter mechanical ventilation duration, and ICU and hospital stay [26]. A pilot RCT investigated the feasibility and effect of intraoperative hemoadsorption during open TAAA repair and showed a significantly lower incidence of ARDS [27]. However, both these pilot ...
To examine the risk of upper aerodigestive tract cancers (UADC: oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus) associated with dietary heterocyclic amine (HCA) exposure, a case-control study involving 140 cases and 286 controls was conducted in Montevideo, Uruguay. Beef and red meat intakes were ...
ProvisionaClhcahpatpetre4r TTrreeaattmmeenntt ooff HHoommoozzyyggoouuss FFaammiilliiaall Hypercholesterolemia: Challenges and Latest HDyepveelrochpomleesntterolemia: Challenges and Latest Development Min‐Ji Charng Min‐Ji Charng Additional information is available at the end of the chapter Additional...
7Department of Pathology, Mikkeli Central Hospital, FI-50100 Mikkeli, Finland; 8Department of Pathology, Centre for Laboratory Medicine, Pirkanmaa Hospital District, PO Box 2000, FI-33521 Tampere, Finland BACKGROUND: The recently described navigator proteins have a multifaceted role in cytoskeletal dy...
The ovarian cancer tissues and adjacent tissues (normal fallopian tube tissues not invaded determined by pathology) of 119 patients with ovarian cancer who underwent surgery in Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Nantong University from January 2013 to January 2016 were collected. Inclusion criterias: ⑴Epithel...