(题外话:SC-88Pro是有隐藏的XG模式的,不过罗兰官方从未以任何方式提到过这点) (当时SC-88Pro的宣传,下方配文“SoundCanvas的崭新历史就此开始”) 作为一款常见的基于采样的DTM音源,罗兰官方宣称“SC-88Pro并非单纯比拼内置音色数量的音源,它是一款以声音的深度、广度、情感与攻击力而自豪的音源。” 我们都知道,基...
Roland Sound Canvas SC-88Pro 拆解以及更改输入电压 Sound Canavas系列是日本Roland公司于上个世纪最后十年推出的硬件音源系列,这个系列凭借着声音优美以及对GS标准的支持,因此畅销全球。该系列的主要型号即是SC-88Pro。 顺便还有个知识:Windows自带的用来播放Midi的GS波表就是用Soound Canvas系列的SC-88制作的,但听说...
今天下载了Virtual Sound Canvas 3.23软音源,据说是Roland最新的软音源,安装后一看:哇!确实名不虚传!(确实很兴奋,文章可能说的东一榔头,西一棒子的)【见下图】 Roland的这个新的软音源是和他们的老产品SC-88Pro差不多的,音色,效果器都很接近。但是我觉得VSC32的界面却和Roland的经典桌面音源SC-8850(不是Nokia ...
Roland ローランド SOUND CANVAS SC-88VL 音源モジュール 中古品になります。 通電は確認しましたが、MIDIの動作確認をする環境が無いため、動作確認はできていません。 商品は写真の物が全てです。おまけで、RS-232Cと接続するケーブルと、MIDIケーブル(約90cm×2本、約250cm×1本)をお付けし...
A system exclusive message generator for the Roland Sound Canvas SC-88 and other sound modules bearing the GS logo. SC Series - Sierra Soundtrack Series MIDI files for the SC-88. Requires the MT-32 tone set. SC Series - Sound Canvas Pipe Organ Project Dedicated to creating SC patches ...
If i understand correctly, its been discussed that it might be possible to recreate them by looking at the 990 patch settings in sounddriver & then doings it manually with the xv (& them presumably saving that patch on the memory card in he xv etc) but I thought you may have some advi...
ROLAND Sound Canvas SC 88 PRO Synthesizer Module for MIDI, GM, GS, Intl F/S US,CA,AU,UAE made in JAPAN 7成新,新舊如附圖。 Roland Sound Canvas SC-88Pr ROLAND Sound Canvas SC 88 PRO Synthesizer Module for MIDI, GM, GS, Int'l F/S US,CA,AU,UAE made in JAPAN ...
pretty well everything on the SC88 Pro can be so controlled, although, as previously mentioned, the Pro offers much more in the way of front‑panel editability than the average GM module. If you feel a particular Part's sound suffers from a slow attack or needs a bit more resonance,...
SOUND CANVAS SC88 Pro. SYNTHS & HI-TECH AF70 anti-feedback processor. JP8000 analogue modelling synth. JV2080 synth module. MBD1 sound module. SMPUII AT MIDI interface. 1997 It was Roland's 25th birthday in 1997, and whether through coincidence or otherwise, it was to prove to be a ...
认识Virtual Sound Canvas 3.23 今天下载了Virtual Sound Canvas 3.23软音源,据说是Roland最新的软音源,安装后一看:哇!确实名不虚传!(确实很兴奋,文章可能说的东一榔头,西一棒子的)【见下图】 Roland的这个新的软音源是和他们的老产品SC-88Pro差不多的,音色,效果器都很接近。但是我觉得VSC32的界面却和Roland的...