打开控制面板→硬件和声音,点击VST MIDI Driver打开配置界面。 点击"Load VSTi..." 选择刚才安装的SOUND Canvas VA.dll(默认路径是C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins\Roland VS),然后等待右边显示出名字,此时点击"Configure VSTi..."就可以看到SCVA的界面了。关于为什么SCVA的界面是宋体,这是因为没有安装SCVA...
同时附带音色图,可播放在 SC-88 Pro 和其他硬件 Sound Canvas 音源上创建的 MIDI 音乐文件。将经典声音与现代技术相结合,Sound Canvas VA 是长期标准的现代演变。 GS 音源的黄金标准 基于Roland SC 系列硬件音源,Sound Canvas VA 是一款兼容 GS 的软件合成器,支持 VSTi(Windows 和 Mac)和 AU (Mac) 插件格式。
阿尔法Rubber 唯我圣帝 7 那尼?!sc-88Pro Roland不是有个软音表么 叫Sound Canvas什么来找 以前还用过的说 6楼2011-10-19 07:59 回复 柯南34岁 异端审判 11 我是说我soundset判定错误导致mid文件各种错误。我在用sibelius的vst,要先告诉程序用yamaha的还是Roland的读。 7楼2011-10-19 08:57 回复 ...
AAX compatible Windows and Mac plug-ins that integrate the SC-88 Pro into Pro Tools VST 2.4 compatible Windows and Mac plug-ins that integrate the SC-88 Pro into any sequencer supporting Steinberg's VST2.4 standard (Cubase, Nuendo, Studio One, Live, Performer, Sonar, Renoise, etc) VST...
Sound Maps: 4 types (SC-8820, SC-88Pro, SC-88, SC-55) Preset Instruments: 1,600 tones Drum sound sets: 63 drum sets Effects: - Reverb (8 types) - Chorus (8 types) - Delay (10 types) - 2 Band Equalizer - Insertion Effect (64 types) ...
If Roland "targets" the education market with this, they should have inluded a FM section with a few sliders marked "Osc1toOsc2", "Osc1toOsc3", "Osc2toOsc3" etc. to "teach" FM, and give more sound creation posibilities. And independent arp patterns for each of the three "full" ...
粤 Keep SC5I cabjles as short as Possible, and use omIY With the actory settmgs, the VS-1680 js set to SCSTID cabies which have an impedance that is compatibie muamber 7. Set the qisk drives yo are cormected to IP with the SCST standard (11042 +7-10 品 ), and thnat are ...
KANE 备件 BC FW13D-SC.15A 15ARITTAL9340870?DAU 01EMG-2173纠偏D/A转换模块VAHLEAUSBAUTEILSTüCK ATKD 5/100 HSBAUERBS02-37V/D04LA4/SPAventics1825503595PIASTRA DI BASEDO22-ZSR2006016 60 16 124 120 15 70 12 81,1 182795036-1254054min53意大利GEFRAN传感器F02896040T-48-4-00-RD-0-0-0-0...
价格:807元/件 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:蒙特贝Z92,宝德电磁阀,ACAM传感器,力士乐丝杆滑块,HPI应变片,FTI流量计 供应商:上海焕尧机电设备有限公司 所在地:中国 联系人:程工 联系电话 点此询价 QQ咨询 买家还在看 德国P+F倍加福电感式传感器NBB1-3... ...