支持 如果您在使用Roland、BOSS、V-MODA产品遇到问题时请通过电话或者Email联系我们。此外,我们为您提供了技术支持文档供您下载及参考,如果该产品提供支持文档,将在下面以列表显示。 用户手册 Owner's Manual Applications Guide Quick Start Addendum 支持文档 MC-50 TurboStart Weibo Youku 更改地区 产品...
MC-50mkIIMicroComposer停产 The MC-50mkII is a powerful dedicated sequencer. Its advanced features and great live performance capabilities give you professional quality production. 主页 主页 MC-50mkII MC-50mkII产品概述 附件 技术支持 Weibo
支援 Applications GuideRoland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to use this updater. The ...
but sophisticated hardware sequencers, such as Akai's ASQ10 and MPC60 and the Roland MC series, are capable of just about anything you could possibly want to do in the context of music. They also have the advantage that they become extremely fast to use; indeed, many MC500 users can pr...
Roland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to use this updater. The foregoing provision is ef...
【Roland 50周年系列】Jay Weinberg (Slipknot活结鼓手) 演奏 Roland VAD506 电鼓 300 0 04:31 App 【Roland50周年系列】Duran Duran 的 Nick Rhodes 与 Roland JD-XA 合成器的故事 1933 0 04:32 App 【Roland50周年系列】Cristian Varela 用 Roland MC-707 & MC-101 GROOVEBOX 玩转 Techno 1508 0 02:...
The MC505's 8‑part multitimbrality, though, is unchanged from the 303. Other facts and figures to fix in your mind are that there are 50 Songs (chains of Patterns) on board, three effects processors (to the 303's two), an enhanced arpeggiator, a RAM card slot, and a novel zero...
Roland 也接受了插件,将其许多最著名的乐器转换为软合成器,在DAW中使用。这个阵容现在还包括Zenology,一个原创的插件,它是罗兰所谓的ZEN-Core的一部分,一个包含软件和硬件的合成生态系统,从Jupiter-X和Jupiter-Xm、Juno-X、Fantom系列、MC-101和MC-707等等。
失真 MPan 过载 (预设值:MChrStd.) 声像 麦克风效果深度 MEfLev 0 ~ 32(预设值:0) 调节麦克风效果深度。 MDelay 麦克风延迟类型 MDlType MPanDly 选择麦克风延迟类型。 (预设值:MDelay) 麦克风延迟时间 MDlTime 0 ~ 32(预设值:10) 设置麦克风延迟时间。 麦克风延迟反馈 MDlyFb 0 ~ 32(预设值:14) 设置...
并于1996年发布自己的TB-303的“克隆”产品MC-303 GrooveBox。尽管ROLAND重新定义了他们所谓新的“303克隆”是一个全新的产品,除了几个低音采样,和熟悉的小键盘界面设计类似原版外,MC-303最明显的是它采用了波表音源,完全就是一个波表合成器,而非TB-303的纯模拟声音发生电路。从此之后,Roland走上MC系列的不归路,...