Despite the onslaught of the computer sequencer, hardware sequencers are still alive and well and producing music in many a studio. Jon Cotton, a long‑time user of Roland's popular MC50/500 series, passes on some hard‑earned hints and tips for getting the most from your Microcomposer....
Note:You will need the S-Disk Application --below-- to create the system disk. SDISK (PC - 12.3K) This application allows you to create system disks from .OUT files. Use this program to create system disks for the S-series samplers and the MC-300/500 sequencer....
Allows you to use your favorite midi sequencer to program your MC-202 sequences. Presented by the Defective Records Page MC-202 Fan A page from Japan with info & resources for the MC-202 Micro Composer. MC-202 Homepage Very useful site with patches, tip & hints and other info on the ...
This application allows you to create system disks from .OUT files. Use this program to create system disks for the S-series samplers and the MC-300/500 sequencer. Roland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, ...
Use this program to create system disks for the S-series samplers and the MC-300/500 sequencer. Roland软件 最终用户许可协议 本协议为用户(包括自然人及法人)与逻兰(上海)电子有限公司(以下简称Roland)之间订立的协议。 请在下载或安装前认真阅读本协议。如果您不同意本协议条款,请不要下载、安装或使用相关...
Microscope editing has been an important part of Roland hardware sequencers since the MC500 MicroComposer, but on the MC909 it's like looking at the piano-roll editor of a software sequencer. Scrolling through a Pattern is simple, and the various cursor and parameter edit tools make moving ...
The MV-1 features a small LCD display, and various well-labelled knobs and buttons, all of which have some chance of being readable on stage, being either black-on-white or white-on-black and no greys in-between. There are 16 sequencer step buttons arrayed along the lower edge, and the...
So, the Poly mode can bc uscd when the 了 -~550 is conlrolled by a keyboardl er sequencer, When sct to Mono mode,the 了一 550 is 8 voicc polyphonic using 引 MIDI channels. The Mono mode, therefiore, is idcal for a MIDI Guitar System that has Mono mode,and thcrcforc transmits...
the GR-700 has the trickiest and most erratic tracking. The GR-700 is certainly better than equivalent products made by other manufactures at the time, but it is inferior to the GR-100, GR-300,GM-70,Korg Z3, or the IbanezMC-1. The GR-700 has a MIDI out port for controlling other...
Thank you for purchasing the Roland A-30 MIDI Keyboard Controber, 忆几大环性、呈一了并 MID 寺一求一下 让口一子一上 -了 The A-30 can control the conmnected MIDI devices, e.g- a Sound module, effect Unit, sequencer, remiote keyboard, aS““a sy8g- 这蕉实疏上池心大万善南蕊南...