When it comes to compact bass amplifiers, the Roland Cube-30 Bass is in a class all its own. This powerful and lightweight amp combines a 30-watt/10-inch speaker with DSP modeling to crank out a range of popular bass amp sounds. There’s also onboard compression, 3-band EQ and digit...
Bass amp technology takes a big stride forward with the new D-Bass series. MICRO CUBE BASS RX贝斯音箱 小身材,大嗓门,纯正的立体声音色! 详细资料 V-BassV贝司 贝司处理/原声贝司模拟系统,电贝司音色,合成贝司,音箱及效果等 详细资料 DB-500D-Bass Amplifier ...
CUBE-30 Bass BrochureRoland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to use this updater. The ...
Roland罗兰 CUBE-10GX 家用便携电箱琴音箱 电吉他音箱 支持电池 舒诺(上海)乐器有限公司 5年 回头率: 0% 上海市 ¥1460.00 罗兰BOSS电吉他音箱DUAL CUBE LX音响CUBE BASS LX电贝司贝斯音箱 深圳市爱乐乐器有限公司 8年 回头率: 20.8% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥...
Roland CUBE-30X吉他音箱 说明书
官方说明书Roland CUBE-30 BASS 用户手册 热度: D3X使用说明书 热度: x56官方使用说明书【罗技G赛钛客说明书】 热度: RolandCUBE-30XguitarSpeakerManual http://.manuallib/file/2414784 FromManualLib ManualLibcollectsandclassifiestheglobalproduct instrunctionmanualstohelpusersaccessanytimeand ...
内容提示: Owner’s Manual Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the Roland CUBE-30X Guitar Amplifier.Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, Owner’s manual should be read in its entirety. The manual ...
爱企查为您精选热销商品,为您提供roland cube bass电贝司音箱价格采购价格、图片大全、供应商家、行情报价、询价电话、发货地区等。您可以立即联系厂家或发布询价求购信息。
Blues Cube Tone Capsule 更多詳情 採用Tube Logic技術, 富有音樂性、高度靈敏反應的音色 溫暖、活潑、反應靈敏、大動態、彈性十足,這些都是吉手們用來描述他們最喜歡的真空管音箱時的詞彙。在Roland的Tube Logic技術之下,這些形容詞也可以用來形容Blues Cube音箱。從90年代第一代原創Blues Cube音箱的聲音為基礎,進行大...
Roland CUBE 系列小型电吉他和大 bass 放大器说明书 Guitar and Bass Amplifiers