the Roland Cube-30 Bass is in a class all its own. This powerful and lightweight amp combines a 30-watt/10-inch speaker with DSP modeling to crank out a range of popular bass amp sounds. There’s also onboard compression, 3-band EQ and digital effects—making the Cube-30 Bass an in...
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Roland罗兰 CUBE-10GX 家用便携电箱琴音箱 电吉他音箱 支持电池 舒诺(上海)乐器有限公司 5年 回头率: 0% 上海市 ¥1460.00 罗兰BOSS电吉他音箱DUAL CUBE LX音响CUBE BASS LX电贝司贝斯音箱 深圳市爱乐乐器有限公司 8年 回头率: 20.8% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥...
CUBE-30 BASSBass Amplifier 30-watt 10-inch speaker with DSP modeling for killer bass tone. 详细资料 VR-760V-Combo A new concept in performance keyboards. 详细资料 SPD-S采样打击板 创建您自己的鼓音色。 详细资料 HQ OrchestralSoftware Synth ...
CUBE-30 Bass BrochureRoland Software License Agreement In no event shall Roland Corporation be liable to end-users for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to financial damages for any loss of profits or information arising from the use of, or inability to use this updater. The ...
Roland CUBE 系列小型电吉他和大 bass 放大器说明书 Guitar and Bass Amplifiers
Cube 30 bass amp. KC150/KC350/KC550 keyboard amps. BOSS PRODUCTS AD8 acoustic guitar processor. BCB60 pedalboard. BR864 digital eight-track. DD20 digital delay. DR3 Dr Rhythm. GS10 guitar effects. ME50 multi-effects. OC3 Super Octave. ...
CUBE BASS 120XL主要特性: 特殊设计的12英寸同轴喇叭,120W小型贝斯音箱 特殊设计的双重低音倒相孔带来强劲无比的声音 8种COSM音箱模拟模式,包括新超级低音音箱模拟 七种效果,包括新型失真和复调八度效果 SOLO记忆功能可用作第二通道 乐句循环功能可以无限叠加录制声音 ...
Cube 40 guitar amplifier (40W). GA-series 50 guitar amplifier (50W). JC50, JC200 and JC200S Jazz Chorus amps. RD125L Revo. RD155L Revo. SB-series 200 bass amp (200W). BOSS PRODUCTS CS1 Compression Sustainer. DB5 driver. DM1 Delay Machine. ...
Roland 罗兰 CUBE 60XL BASS 电贝司 音箱 电贝斯价格 起批量 ¥2998.80 1件商品货号 7767225 物流 江苏 苏州市至 标准价 : ¥2998.80 支付方式 保障服务 订购数量 : 起售量 (件)标准价采购量是否有货 1 ¥2998.80 - + 有货总价 ¥2,998.80 ...