doi:10.1016/0893-6080(91)90022-WKoki TsukamotoHideaki ShimizuTakashi IshidaYutaka AkiyamaNobuyuki NukinaELSEVIERNeural Networks
The Emperor's "new clothes," of course, werenoclothes. The Emperor's "New Mind," we then suspect, is nothing of the sort as well. That computers as presently constructed cannot possibly duplicate the workings of the brain is argued by Penrose in these terms: that all digital computers no...
picked up Shadows of the Mind, Roger Penrose’s successor to The Emperor’s New Mind, with mixed feelings. The Emperor’s New Mind was a bold, obsessive and brilliant book, although some less enthusiastic critics dismissed it as “Emperor’s old...
《皇帝的新脑》,作者是著名数学家和物理学家哲学家英国教授Roger Penrose。由美国著名数学家&数学科普作家Martin Gardner作序。作者观点:AI人工智能无法超越人类的智慧。本人提问:当把人类作为一个整体看待时,其智力水平是多少?当全世界的AI联网之后呢? 猜你喜欢 ...
doi:10.1016/0140-1750(90)90026-3David G. HaysElsevier B.V.Journal of Social and Biological Structures
doi:10.1163/182539191X00371Massimo Stanzione《Nuncius-journal of the History of Science》
Sloman, A., 1992 The emperor's real mind: review of Roger Penrose's The Emperor's new Mind: Concerning Computers Minds and the Laws of Physics, in Artificial Intelligence 56, 355-396Sloman, A (1992b) The emperor's real mind: review of Roger Penrose The Emperor's new Mind: Concerning...
Roger Penrose, British mathematician and relativist who in the 1960s calculated many of the basic features of black holes. He notably proved, with Stephen Hawking, that all matter within a black hole collapses to a singularity with infinite density and z