Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time [Princeton University Press, 1996].The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose may be the best book about modern science yet written. The range of issues addressed by Penrose is vast, from Relativity and quantum mechanics, to many...
, Evaluation for interaction energy between glutamine and glutamine and various chemical compounds for developing the virtual screening system using quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulationsdoi:10.1016/0893-6080(91)90022-WKoki Tsukamoto...
皇帝的新装 TheEmperor'sNew Clothes by:iGlobalist 7573 The Emperor of Nihon-Ja RP10 by:旅行中的小海鱼 6156 The Emperor of All Maladies 众病之王 by:BaLaBoBo 454 Long Live The Emperor (Instrumentals)-Nicholas Monarch by:嘻哈有态度 85
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《皇帝新脑 英文原版 The Emperor's New Mind 有关电脑 人脑及物理定律 牛津科学里程碑系列 Roger Penrose 进口英语书籍》。最新《皇帝新脑 英文原版 The Emperor's New Mind 有关电脑 人脑及物理定律 牛津科学里程碑系列 Roger Penrose 进口
Roger Penrose, British mathematician and relativist who in the 1960s calculated many of the basic features of black holes. He notably proved, with Stephen Hawking, that all matter within a black hole collapses to a singularity with infinite density and z
picked up Shadows of the Mind, Roger Penrose’s successor to The Emperor’s New Mind, with mixed feelings. The Emperor’s New Mind was a bold, obsessive and brilliant book, although some less enthusiastic critics dismissed it as “Emperor’s ol...
doi:10.1163/182539191X00371Massimo Stanzione《Nuncius-journal of the History of Science》
Philosophy of mindThe Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose has received a great deal of both praise and criticism. This review discusses philosophical aspects of the book that form an attack on the "strong" AI thesis. Eight different versions of this thesis are distinguished, and sources of ...
doi:10.1016/0140-1750(90)90026-3David G. HaysElsevier B.V.Journal of Social and Biological Structures