Long Live The Emperor (Instrumentals)-Nicholas Monarch by:嘻哈有态度 6263 The Emperor of All Maladies 众病之王 by:BaLaBoBo 455 Long Live The Emperor (Instrumentals)-Nicholas Monarch by:嘻哈有态度 890 80's Baby S.S.S.-Aviaun by:嘻哈有态度 ...
, Evaluation for interaction energy between glutamine and glutamine and various chemical compounds for developing the virtual screening system using quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulationsdoi:10.1016/0893-6080(91)90022-WKoki Tsukamoto...
The Emperor's "new clothes," of course, werenoclothes. The Emperor's "New Mind," we then suspect, is nothing of the sort as well. That computers as presently constructed cannot possibly duplicate the workings of the brain is argued by Penrose in these terms: that all digital computers no...
doi:10.1163/182539191X00371Massimo Stanzione《Nuncius-journal of the History of Science》
doi:10.1016/0140-1750(90)90026-3David G. HaysElsevier B.V.Journal of Social and Biological Structures
Sloman, A.: The emperor's real mind: Review of roger penrose'sthe emperor's new mind: Concerning computers, minds and the laws of physics. Artif. Intell. 56 (1992) 355-396Sloman, A.: "The Emperor's Real Mind: Review of Roger Penrose The Emperor's New Mind". Artificial Intelligence...