A new graphics driver update is being pushed out to MyASUS, which will add support for Starfield on the ROG Ally. Announced on the ROG discord server by Raptors, who has a "Champion" role on the server, the new driver contains three improvements and fixes for the driver. One adds Starfie...
ROG ALLY掌机..今天用直播姬直播试了一下新亚特兰蒂斯室内的话帧叔大概在40-50左右室外是在20-30左右个人觉着还是挺满意的#星空#个人觉着挺好玩的诶 就是很传统的b社游戏 新亚特兰蒂斯好大 探索好久都探索不完 战斗手感配合震动感觉挺爽的
Starfield Add games to your Game Library If your installed game does not appear in the library, please select "Add" to add the game mamually If you have not installed any games yet, check out from Setting > Game Platforms 無盡遊戲 隨時隨地 一部裝置,暢遊多個遊戲庫。ROG Ally X 與 Steam...
ROG Ally X: AAA gaming in your hands! AMD Z1 Extreme APU, 120Hz display, Zero Gravity thermal system for incredible performance on the go.
In that time I've been playing on the Asus ROG Ally pretty much non-stop, both handheld and docked. I've tested across Starfield, Arcade Paradise, Eastward, Jusant, and Assassin's Creed: Odyssey without once running into technical issues. Performance is smooth, framerates are up, and I ...
Whether you want to play Forza Motorsport, Starfield, Elden Ring or Gears 5, your favorite game is just a few clicks away on ROG Ally. Asus ROG Ally uses the Windows 11 Home operating system. Just like your usual Windows laptop or desktop, you can simply launch the Xbox app and ...
a ROG Ally paired with a ROG XG eGPU is the way to go. This thing is a performance beast - I'm currently running the just-released Starfield at 50 to 75+ FPS in Ultra mode. It's amazing. GTA 5 rarely leave 75 FPS (limited by my monitor). And it does work flaw...
For a minor upgrade, the Asus ROG Ally X’s small tweaks feel like more of a major update Editor's Choice A fantastic mid-cycle refresh that improves what’s already there while maintaining a competitive price point. Editor's Choice A fantastic mid-cycle refresh that improves...
For a minor upgrade, the Asus ROG Ally X’s small tweaks feel like more of a major update Editor's Choice For a minor upgrade, the Asus ROG Ally X’s small tweaks feel like more of a major update Editor's Choice A fantastic mid-cycle refresh that improves what’s already there...
Starfield Přidejte si hry do své herní knihovny Pokud se nainstalovaná hra v knihovně nezobrazuje, vyberte možnost "Přidat" a přidejte ji do knihovny ručně. Pokud ještě nemáte nainstalované žádné hry, podívejte se do Nastavení > Herní platformy #playALLYourgam...