ROG ALLY掌机..今天用直播姬直播试了一下新亚特兰蒂斯室内的话帧叔大概在40-50左右室外是在20-30左右个人觉着还是挺满意的#星空#个人觉着挺好玩的诶 就是很传统的b社游戏 新亚特兰蒂斯好大 探索好久都探索不完 战斗手感配合震动感觉挺爽的
A new graphics driver update is being pushed out to MyASUS, which will add support for Starfield on the ROG Ally. Announced on the ROG discord server by Raptors, who has a "Champion" role on the server, the new driver contains three improvements and fixes for the driver. One adds Starfie...
I was even able to get Starfield running on my ROG Ally very briefly, though it was quite compromised and eventually stopped working altogether, which I won’t attribute to the game itself but to the console’s hardware limitations and outdated graphics drivers (which were just announced hours...
Which is a super bummer personally, because I want DLSS on my RTX card, and I currently have a ROG Ally (and other AMD cards I use in various rigs with the testing I'm currently doing), and absolutely want the oft superior XeSS 1.1 for that too, but am limited to FSR only... ...
Which is a super bummer personally, because I want DLSS on my RTX card, and I currently have a ROG Ally (and other AMD cards I use in various rigs with the testing I'm currently doing), and absolutely want the oft superior XeSS 1.1 for that too, but am limited to FSR only... ...