sudo apt-get install python3 python3-yaml libomp-dev libboost-program-options-dev libmsgpack-dev llvm-6.0-dev mkdir Tensile cd Tensile git clone repo cd repo git checkout master You are now ready to run benchmarks using Tensile. A sample tuning...
AMD ROCm™ Software - GitHub Home. Contribute to ROCm/ROCm development by creating an account on GitHub.
ROCm is an open-source stack, composed primarily of open-source software (OSS), designed for graphics processing unit (GPU) computation. ROCm consists of a collection of drivers, development tools, and APIs that enable GPU programming from low-level kernel to end-user applications.more… ...
Matrix-free implementation of the implictly restarted Lanczos method Speaker: Joe Schoonover Founder, Operations Lead & Research Software Sign Up for ROCm News Sign up for the ROCm newsletter to keep up-to-date on the latest releases and tips. ...
ROCm is particularly well-suited to GPU-accelerated high-performance computing (HPC), artificial intelligence (AI), scientific computing, and computer aided design (CAD). ROCm is powered by AMD’s Heterogeneous-computing Interface for Portability (HIP), an OSS C++ GPU programming environment and ...
IT之家12 月 4 日消息,AMD 已经宣布会在 2025 年 1 月 6 日的 CES 2025 大会上展示“游戏领域的下一代创新”,预计将推出新一代 Radeon RX 8000 系列显卡,IT之家届时将为大家带来详细报道。 AMD 对 ROCm(Radeon Open Compute)库进行了更新,无意中确认了即将推出的 Radeon RX 8600 和 RX 8800 桌面显卡...
IT之家11 月 27 日消息,科技媒体 techpowerup 昨日(11 月 26 日)发布博文,报道称 AMD 公司发布了 ROCm 6.3 版本更新,集成了用于加速 AI 推理的 SGLang,并重新设计 FlashAttention-2 用于优化 AI 训练和推理等等。 SGLang AMD 表示 ROCm 6.3 更新现支持 SGLang,这是一个 Runtime,为 AMD Instinct GPU 优...
随着越来越多的开发人员开始在 Radeon 和 Radeon PRO GPU 上运行 ROCm 以处理 AI 和 ML 工作,AMD 推出了最新的 ROCm 5.6,并宣布将为消费者级显卡提供 ROCm 支持。 据称,AMD 最先会为 RX 7900 XTX 和 Pro W7900 这两款 RDNA 3 GPU 适配 ROCm,正式版将于今年秋季推出(ROCm 5.6),更多型号后续添加。
Understand ROCm All Explanation Material Compiler Disambiguation Using CMake ROCm FHS Reorganization GPU Isolation Techniques GPU Architectures MI250 MI200 Performance Counters and Metrics MI100 Using the LLVM Address Sanitizer (ASAN) on the GPU
rocm_smi_lib The University of Illinois/NCSA rocminfo The University of Illinois/NCSA rocprofiler MIT rocr_debug_agent The University of Illinois/NCSA roctracer MIT rocm-llvm-alt AMD Proprietary License Open sourced ROCm components are released via public GitHub repositories, packages on https://re...