A Discord bot to decide teams for private 6 person Rocket League matches discorddiscord-botrocketleague UpdatedJun 11, 2023 Python Automated retrieval of Rocket League Player Data using a webscraper forhttps://rocketleague.tracker.network/
Unlicense license rltracker-api This is a small piece of the PTP bot running on the Part Time Pros discord server. It's used to run rank checks using the RLTracker.pro API. usage: constrank_check=require('rltracker-api')({api_key:'my-awesome-key'});rank_check('steam','illegal-fun...
bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (mattermost not required!) slack twitch telegram irc gitter discord matrix xmpp nextcloud ...
rlbot.cfg Changes from closed-source repo. Sep 17, 2021 runner.bat Don't use the same Psyonix preset multiple times (#479) Feb 16, 2020 runner.py Cleaning up python code. (#335) Jan 4, 2019 runner_gui.bat Don't use the same Psyonix preset multiple times (#479) ...
lgbsttracker_apilgbsttracker, lgbsttracker_api lightgbm-project-demopsycopg2, sklearn, src, tests, ray linkalong-pre-inteview-taskdecouple, linkalong love-alarmpymongo, redis, nexmo, jwt, boto3, bson, passlib maale-map-botpyngrok, dotenv, discord, bots, viberbot, models, settings, fuzzywuzzy...
discord discord-bot rocketleague Updated Jun 11, 2023 Python mattmiller87 / RLScrape Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests Automated retrieval of Rocket League Player Data using a webscraper for https://rocketleague.tracker.network/ scrape rocketleague webscrape Updated Dec 17, 2020 Python halte...