rlrocketleague UpdatedFeb 23, 2024 JavaScript A Discord bot to decide teams for private 6 person Rocket League matches discorddiscord-botrocketleague UpdatedJun 11, 2023 Python Automated retrieval of Rocket League Player Data using a webscraper forhttps://rocketleague.tracker.network/ ...
While the cars themselves cost $5.99, the additional items are free. Rocket League is emphasizing competitive play with the other updates, converting four modes to Competitive form and adding new rewards. Why exactly can you no longer play Rumble, Dropshot, Hoops or Snow Day in Casual Mode?
Unlicense license rltracker-api This is a small piece of the PTP bot running on the Part Time Pros discord server. It's used to run rank checks using the RLTracker.pro API. usage: constrank_check=require('rltracker-api')({api_key:'my-awesome-key'});rank_check('steam','illegal-fun...