Rocket League Car Hitbox 이 문서는 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이 되었나요? 예 아니요
Rocket League’s 11th season brings forth fresh aspects to spice up your gameplay. One of these is the newest cool ride, theNissan Silvia. This awesome new option is equipped with aHybrid Hitboxthat allows it to endure anything that comes its way. For those who want amore customizable ride,...
In Rocket League, every car has one of the 6 hitboxes. Base cars like Octane, Dominus, Batmobile, Venom, Breakout, and Merc are the best hitbox cars. The body types make a difference with more defensive cars versus offensive cars. The dominus has a wide hitbox, covering a larger surface...
Rocket Leaguehas entered the race, fully equipped with the NASCAR Next Gen Ford Mustang, NASCAR Next Gen Chevrolet Camaro, and NASCAR Next Gen Toyota Camry racers! Featuring a Dominus Hitbox, all three 2022 stock cars come with NASCAR livery so you can represent your favorite teams. Available ...
It has the Hybrid hitbox, sitting in a much more balanced area than most other cars available. Just like the Cyclone, it can be acquired in a bundle available in the Item Shop, which will unlock it for both games. The bundle is also available to purchase in Rocket League. ...
This relatively newHybriddoesn't just look sleek, it also makes for a fun, effective vehicle in a heated showdown. While it's a fairly short car with a pretty narrow hitbox, it's an all-around solid, versatile vehicle. This should be on the radar for those who are used to playing ...
《Rocket League》车辆 Hitbox 游戏中的每款车体都会使用 6 种称为"Hitbox"的车体类型之一。所有车辆的性能相同,但每种 Hitbox 会在长、宽、高方面有细微差别。 这6 种 Hitbox 分别是: Breakout Dominus Hybrid Merc Octane Plank 请访问下方授权车辆链接,参阅对应博文。无对应链接者则属于《Rocket League》的非...
Hybrid Merc Octane Plank Licensed cars below have a link to their blog post. Cars without links are non-branded items fromRocket League. For more info on Cross-Game items, readhere. Breakout Hitbox Ace Animus GP Breakout Breakout Type-S ...
Hybrid Merc Octane Plank Les voitures sous licence ci-dessous disposent d'un lien vers leur publication sur le blog. Les voitures sans lien sont des objets sans marque deRocket League. Breakout Hitbox Ace Animus GP Breakout Breakout Type-S ...
Hybrid Merc Octane Plank Nachstehend haben lizenzierte Autos einen Link zu ihrem Blogeintrag. Autos ohne Link sind Items vonRocket League, die keiner Lizenz bedürfen. Breakout Hitbox Ace Animus GP Breakout Breakout Type-S Cyclone (Spielübergreifendes Item) ...