Die 6 Hitboxen sind: Breakout Dominus Hybrid Merc Octane Plank Nachstehend haben lizenzierte Autos einen Link zu ihrem Blogeintrag. Autos ohne Link sind Items vonRocket League, die keiner Lizenz bedürfen. Breakout Hitbox Ace Animus GP
Rocket League Car Hitbox 이 문서는 문제를 해결하는 데 도움이 되었나요? 예 아니요
In Rocket League, every car has one of the 6 hitboxes. Base cars like Octane, Dominus, Batmobile, Venom, Breakout, and Merc are the best hitbox cars. The body types make a difference with more defensive cars versus offensive cars. The dominus has a wide hitbox, covering a larger surface...
With a hitbox perfectly suited for skillful attacking play – as well as thwacking the ball out of the way on your goal line – it’s the predominant choice for pros and amateurs alike. With the Octane around since the dawn of Rocket League, there’s no shortage of snazzy skins available...
O que é o Jogo Livre Online no Rocket League? Por que não recebi os 1000 Créditos do Rocket Pass depois de assinar o Clube Fortnite? Hitboxes de carros do Rocket League Como faço para obter as rodas Dieci Pretas no Rocket League?
Der Fan Pass enthält: Frühling 2022 „Formula 1 2022“-Auto (Dominus-Hitbox) „Formula 1 2022“-Motorsound Pirelli-Räder „Alfa Romeo 2022“-Aufkleber „AlphaTauri 2022“-Aufkleber „Ferrari 2022“-Aufkleber „McLaren 2022“-Aufkleber ...
El Fan Pass incluye: Primavera septentrional de 2022 Auto de Formula 1 2022 (hitbox Dominus) Sonido de motor Formula 1 2022 Ruedas Pirelli Calcomanía Alfa Romeo 2022 Calcomanía AlphaTauri 2022 Calcomanía Ferrari 2022 Calcomanía McLaren 2022 ...
《Rocket League》车辆 Hitbox 游戏中的每款车体都会使用 6 种称为"Hitbox"的车体类型之一。所有车辆的性能相同,但每种 Hitbox 会在长、宽、高方面有细微差别。 这6 种 Hitbox 分别是: Breakout Dominus Hybrid Merc Octane Plank 请访问下方授权车辆链接,参阅对应博文。无对应链接者则属于《Rocket League》的非...
Hitbox des voitures dans Rocket League Chaque châssis de voiture du jeu utilise un des six types de châssis disponibles, appelés « hitbox ». Bien que toutes les voitures aient les mêmes statistiques, chaque hitbox présente de légères différences en termes de lon...
Hitboxes de los autos de Rocket League Todas las carrocerías de los autos del juego usan 1 de 6 tipos de carrocerías predeterminadas llamadas hitboxes. Aunque todos los autos tienen las mismas estadísticas, cada hitbox tiene una longitud, un ancho y una altura...