Slope failures along part of the Echo Cliffs are unique because they occur in the upper 1,000 feet and do not extend to the base of the cliffs. Geomorphic mapping and extensive subsurface exploration indicates that the cliffs initially went through a period of extensive debris slide failures (...
Gu D, Huang D (2016) A complex rock topple-rock slide failure of an anaclinal rock slope in the Wu Gorge, Yangtze River, China. Eng Geol 208:165–180. Article Google Scholar Himanshu N, Burman A (2019) Determination of critical failure ...
It is expected that predictive acceleration patterns will appear in the final pre-failure stage. A detailed knowledge of multiple anticipative signals in correlation with accelerating rock slope deformations will contribute to an advance in accuracy and reliability of rock slide early warning.doi:10.1002...
Accumulated stress leads to sudden shear failure. With the elapse of earthquake excitation, the NFT slope shows a cracking–shearing–sliding failure mode. As for the FT slope, the shallow rocks above the FT interface experience strength degradation, leading to small-scale sliding and collapses, ...
Rock slope with horizontal-layered fractured structure (HLFS) has high stability in its natural state. However, a strong earthquake can induce rock fissure expansion, ultimately leading to slope failure. In this study, the dynamic response, failure mode,
Driving forces and deformation mechanisms in rock-slope failure areas can be evaluated from short-term factors, such as seismic activity, water pressure and/or frost-related processes. In addition, an important long-term factor is gradual change in mechanical properties of slide planes. High water...
It is essential to cast light on the construction risks in tunnel excavations through the fault-fracture zone (FFZ). This study adopts the material point method (MPM) to simulate the failure responses of a rock tunnel face duri
A complex rock topple-rock slide failure of an anaclinal rock slope in the Wu Gorge, Yangtze River, China 2016, Engineering Geology Show abstract Discontinuous rock slope stability analysis by limit equilibrium approaches–a review 2021, International Journal of Digital Earth Stability analysis of roc...
Review of structural geological controls on rock slope stability.Slope failure damage and kinematics are intricately related to structural control.Overview of geotechnical exploration methods for investigating rock slopes and structures.Numerical modelling examples integrating structures, brittle fracture, and dam...
2005 . On the use of ground-based SAR interferometry for slope failure early warning: the Cortenova rock slide (Italy) . In Landslides , Sassa K , Fukuoka H , Wang F , Wang G (eds). Springer: Berlin ; 337 – 342 .TARCHI D,ANTONELLO G,CASAGLI N,et al.On the Use of Ground-...