In several case studies, the system detected distinct tilt behaviour in the slope in pre-failure stages. Based on these behaviours and a conservative approach, it is proposed that a precaution for slope failure be issued at a tilting rate of 0.01掳/h, and warning of slope failure issued at...
“工程地质”主要术语(词汇)及用法slope failure,rockfall, ,landslide等 ★landslide area e.g. We cannot be certain whether landslides did or did not occur in the regions outside of the mapped landslide area. ★landslide dam ★landslide distribution e.g. Empirical studies suggest that the bedrock ...
ABSTRACT:Afill slope failure on a public road initiated a landslide in February of 2002.The British ColumbiaMinistry of Highways and Transportation contracted Terra Erosion Control design and implement soilbioengineering/biotechnical slope stabilization techniques in order to reduce surface erosion ...
mainslope instability drivers change according to the location(e.g., upper vs lower catchment), the landcover (e.g. forest vs urban) and the spatial scale analysed ( hillslope scale slope stability was mostlycontrolled by water table height, whereasat regional scale by slope geometry)...
Within the research area of Ruijin City in China, a total of 370 landslides with accurate boundary information are obtained, and 10 environmental factors, such as slope and lithology, are selected. Then, correlation analyses between the landslide boundary shapes and selected environmental factors are...
It is important to monitor the displacement time series and to explore the failure mechanism of reservoir landslide for early warning. Traditionally, it is a challenge to monitor the landslide displacements real-timely and automatically. Globe Position System (GPS) is considered as the best real-tim...
The analysis focused on the deformation and failure characteristics, as well as the mechanical mechanism of landslide; the landslide mode of homogeneous soil is circular sliding. Additionally, investigating the influencing factors affecting slope stability is crucial in engineering implementation; in which ...
The tsunami deposited dark sediments onto the snow-covered shores and the inundation could be accurately documented after the event. Terrain and bathymetry data before and after the event are available, which allows the location of the failure plain in the slope and the deposition of the slide ...
Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations controlled by the structure of flysch nappe outliers:insights from large-scale electrical resistivity tomography survey and LiDAR mapping. Geomorphology 321, 174-187. [14] Chawla, A., Pasupuleti, S., Chawla, S., Rao, A.C.S., Sarkar, K., Dwivedi...
Qi et al. (2017) analyzed the failure mechanism of loess flow slides and the characteristic of slope retreat in Heifangtai terrace based on field investigations and monitoring, aerial and remote sensing images, and laboratory experiments. These methods are becoming very challenging when they are ...