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According to court documents, in 2017, seven years after he assaulted one of the victims who testified at trial, Barrett purposely climbed at a rock-climbing gym where the victim attended. She then disclosed Barrett’s assault on her to the gym owner in the interest of protecting other ...
And adding variety to your workouts doesn’t have to mean lifting heavier weights or doing a new exercise in the gym. Any sort of physical activity counts! Playing on the monkey bars counts. Trying handstands and cartwheels count. Going ice skating, roller skating or rock climbing count. Add...
Rock Climbing After LASIK Eye Surgery I talked with a handful of LASIK providers to figure out what was best for me, and asked about rock climbing and other activities at each of them. Below I wrote up why I went where I did, how the surgery went, and what things climbers ought to k...
Ab wheel rolloutsare a sort of moving plank. With this exercise, you extend your arms out in front of you to create a long lever which puts a lot of tension through your abs. This is a challenging core exercise, but after two weeks of intense core training, you are ready for it!
Some local kiddos had their days made after getting a visit from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson himself! Johnson shared a video to his Instagram page capturing the exact moment he showed up to visit some local kids at Hugo's Gymfitness recently. In the video, excited screams and yellin...
Crawling, climbing across a bridge under construction. Sorry, but one hand had to hold on while the other kept balance! A wild goose chase at the end but overcoming fear of heights plus water at the same time = Priceless. The things we do for love… ...