Hughes, “The crystal structure of Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate tetrahydrate NaKC4H4O6*4H20)”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 177, 251 (1941). :Beevers, C. A. and Hughes, W. "The Crystal Structure of Rochelle Salt (...
ammonium Rochelle saltfree energydomain structurephase transitionX-ray diffractionAX-ray scattering experiments were carried out to observe temperature dependence of spontaneous strain and Bragg diffraction intensities to get information of the phase transition of ammonium Rochelle salt. The spontaneous strain...
Sub-crystalline Changes of Structure Accompanying Thermal Transitions in Rochelle Salt, and in Potassium Dihydrogen OrthophosphateACCORDING to the classical derivation of the Phase Rule, a transition point in a one-component system involves the co-existence of three independent phases, with the same ...
Disordered feature in Rochelle salt, Ferroelectrics 261 - Shimizu, K, et al. - 2001 () Citation Context ... the ferroelectric phase. Such displacements can be interpreted also as changes in the population ratio of two sites in the disordered paraelectric structure (revealed in the structure ...
On the Domain Structure of Rochelle Salt Crystal The effect of the condition of crystallization on the domain pattern was studied by a polarization microscope. Slow crystallization at the temperatures between two Curie points gave domains parallel to the b-axis, whereas above the upper... Nakamura...
Rochelle salt crystal 酒石酸钾钠晶体,酒石酸钾钠晶体相关短语 low form (晶体) 低温型 anisodesmic structure(晶体) 异键结构 zonal growth (晶体的) 带状成长 mechanical axis (晶体的Y轴) 力轴 mobile defect (晶体格子的) 活动缺陷 paranaphthalene (闪烁晶体) 蒽 barrier capacity (晶体管的) 阻挡层电容...
The Crystal Structure of Rochelle Salt (Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate NaKCFormulaHFormulaOFormula. 4HFormulaO) Authors: W. Hughes, C. Beevers See all similar Cited by189 Ferroelectricity and Antiferroelectricity of Doped Thin HfO2-Based Films Authors: Cheol Hwang, Min Hyuk Park, Young...
英文: Pre-salt Sediment Group, Salt Sediment Group and Post-salt Sediment Group.中文: 在剖面上可分爲三套地层组合,即盐下层系、含盐层系和盐上层系。英文: THE STRUCTURE,FUNCTION,AND SALT-SECRETED MECHANISM OF SALT GLANDS中文: 植物盐腺的结构、功能和泌盐机理的探讨 ...
Rochelle saltferroelectric structurespecific heatdielectric dispersionStructural characteristics of the ferroelectric phase transition in Roshelle salt (RS) are presented together with those of the mixed crystals of RS and ammonium Rochelle salt (ARS). Also the specific heat anomaly due to the phase ...
Hughes, WilliamBeevers, C. A., and W. Hughes, "The Crystal Structure of Rochelle Salt," Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A177, 251-259 (1940).