Measurements of the dielectric, pyroelectric, optical and electro-optical properties of Rochelle salt, and a theory correlating all observations are given. The theory is based on the assumptions that all properties depend on the inner field F=E+fP, and that the Curie point changes with ...
The Crystal Structure of Rochelle Salt (Sodium Potassium Tartrate Tetrahydrate NaKCFormulaHFormulaOFormula. 4HFormulaO) Authors: W. Hughes, C. Beevers See all similar Cited by189 Ferroelectricity and Antiferroelectricity of Doped Thin HfO2-Based Films Authors: Cheol Hwang, Min Hyuk Park, Young...
saltPermittivityResonanceMitsuimodelWithin the framework of two-sublattice Mitsui model with taking into account the shear strain ε 4 and the diagonal strains ε 2 and ε 3 , a dynamic dielectric response of Rochelle salt X-cuts is considered. Experimentally observed phenomena of crystal clamping ...
We modify the conventional Mitsui model by including the terms related to piezoelectric coupling with shear strain ɛ4. The static and dynamic dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic characteristics of a Rochelle salt crystal are calculated. It is shown that taking into account piezoelectric effects...
The effect of transverse electric fields on dielectric, piezoelectric, elastic and thermal properties of the Rochelle salt Rb(HxD1−x)2PO4, Condens - Levitskii, Zachek, et al. - 2009 () Citation Context, 2003) Mitsui model as applied to RS was extended by accounting of the ...
We calculated dynamic dielectric permittivity of the Rochelle salt within the Mitsui model, extended by piezoelectric interaction and transverse field. Calculations were based on the parameters derived earlier within the study of thermodynamic properties of Rochelle salt. The study of dynamic properties ...
Dielectric, piezoelectric, and elastic properties of the Rochelle salt NaKC 4 H 4 O 6 ⋅ 4 H 2 O : A theory Levitskii R R,Zachek I R,Verkholyak T M,et al.Dielectric,piezoelectric,and elastic properties of the Rochelle salt NaKC4H4O64H2O:A theory.Physical ......
Rochelle saltCurie pointsferroelectricparaelectric regionelectrocaloric effect/ A6540 Heat capacities of solids A7770 Pyroelectric and electrocaloric effects A7780B Ferroelectric transitions and Curie point A7780 Ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity B2810F Piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials B2810 ...
First silicon grease must be applied to the desired plane of the parallelepiped-shaped single-crystal sample of Rochelle salt. Then the piezoelectric transducer, generating longitudinal ultrasonic waves, was placed on the same plane. The ultrasonic longitudinal wave velocities along the [1 0 0], [...
Theory of Rochelle salt: Beyond the Mitsui model, Ferroelectrics 316(1): 51–58 - Stasyuk, Velychko - 2005 () Citation Context applied to RS was extended by accounting of the piezoelectric coupling between the order parameter and strain ε4. Later this model was extended to the ...