Hi, I implemented a draft of the macro-averaged ROC/AUC score, but I am unsure if it will fit for sklearn. Here is the code: Could it be as simple as this? @fbrunduThank you for sharing! I tried your code. But when I call this function, I meet a problem saying "Multioutput ...
AUC scores of ROC and PRC for T1 and T2.Takaya, SaitoMarc, Rehmsmeier
Mallett S, Halligan S, Collins GS, Altman DG (2014) Exploration of analysis methods for diagnostic imaging tests: Problems woth ROC AUC and confidence scores in CT colonography. PLoS One (in press).Mallett S, Halligan S, Collins GS, Altman DG. Exploration of analysis methods for diagnostic ...
Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve for total scores on the four-item weighted absconsion risk scale (AUC = 0.75).Alexis E. CullenAmelia JewellJohn TullySuzanne CoghlanKimberlie DeanTom Fahy
R2ROC: an efficient method of comparing two or more correlated AUC from out-of-sample prediction using polygenic scoresRECEIVER operating characteristic curvesGENOME-wide association studiesDISEASE risk factorsCORONARY artery diseaseSTATISTICAL hypothesis testingPolygenic risk scores (PRSs) enable early ...