Hey! I noticed a bug in my game and am not sure how to fix it. Below is a video of the issue: (I am equipping the gun, and then unequipping it) Code: repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() local gun = script.Parent …
Restart Your Computer If Roblox won’t open, another thing you can do is restart your system. There’s a possibility that Roblox’s installation files haven’t been loaded correctly by your computer, which is why the game isn’t launching. After restarting your system, try opening Roblox aga...
Returns whether or not the appearance of the player's character has loaded. IsVerified():bool Returns whether the player is verified with concrete, real-world signals. Kick(message : string):void Forcibly disconnect a player from the game, optionally providing a message. Move(walkDirection : Ve...
Roblox generates cache and log files to keep preloaded resources from the web. This allows the game to load the map and world faster on your computer. If you can’t join a game that you usually play, try clearing your log files. ...
You really want to shake things up?Give content creators a loaded gun pointed at your platform’s head. Another word for this is “exit rights.” If you want creators to come over in the first place, give them the power to leave anytime they want. ...
If you have a Keyframe animation already loaded, your new channel-based animation will save under a new name with a “[CHANNELS]” suffix. 31296×363 40.6 KB After you switch to the Curve Editor view, the button turns into an icon with diamonds. Clicking on it again will bring you back...
One of the top games onRoblox,Brookhaven, drops you in a small town, lets you pick a house and car, and gives you free rein to just be a person in the town you loaded in. (It reminded me of a kid-friendly version of aGTA Onlineroleplaying server.) ...
This code sample will wait for accessories to fully load, print out how many there are, and then destroy them all. Remove Accessories After Loading local Players = game:GetService("Players") local function onPlayerAddedAsync(player) local connection = player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Connect(...
Sony DualSense is a great gaming controller as well as a great PC controller. Loaded with some of the most significant innovations in gamepads, it has the design and grip to let you play for hours. Note that it can be connected with a USB cable or via Bluetooth. ...
After reinstalling the roblox, and I have it loaded up to the screen with the "log in" and "sing up" buttons, after clicking on them, the roblox crashes :/ The error code or other notification that could cause the crash does not appear. The Microsoft Store client is not the same as...