Humanoids are always parented inside of a Model, and the model is expected to be an assembly of BasePart and Motor6D; the root part of the assembly is expected to be named HumanoidRootPart. It also expects a part named Head to be connected to the character's torso part, either ...
Please send all questions regarding credit to blueberryxx in a notecard and any other questions to [a URL, which unfortunately which appears to have been cut off by the character limit in the message] Somebody suggested that the URL shortner redirectmightbe to the contact page on the House ...
Fired when a player's character spawns or respawns. CharacterAppearanceLoaded(character : Model):RBXScriptSignal Fires when the full appearance of a Player.Character has been inserted. CharacterRemoving(character : Model):RBXScriptSignal Fired right before a player's character is removed. Chatted(mes...
Character PathfindingPathfinding is the process of moving a character along a logical path to reach a destination, avoiding obstacles and (optionally) hazardous materials or defined regions.Navigation VisualizationTo assist with pathfinding layout and debugging, Studio can render a navigation mesh and modi...