In the Burst particle's properties, find Texture. Copy and paste one of the texture IDs supplied below, or use your own, into the texture field and press Enter. 6772766862 6772766551 5857851618 6803084085 6772783963 6703369286 6749057157 6772766413 If using the ticket texture, it will look like ...
Transparent objects via Part.Transparency can cause unexpected extra drawcalls. Unique TextureIds/DecalIds on texture and decal instances count as their own materials, and will create their own drawcalls. SurfaceGuis and BillboardGuis can chew up drawcalls very quickly. (Use their built-in distanc...
The Pants object displays a pants texture from Roblox on a Humanoid rig. Pants cover the torso and legs, and will be covered by a Shirt on the torso. To be visible, a Pants must be a sibling of a Humanoid and have its PantsTemplate property set to an appropriate texture such as rbx...
Click on the down-facing arrowhead to view all the decal parts. Move over the decal parts, and click on the “Plus” button and choose “Decal” from the drop-down menu. Paste your decal ID image on the Texture property under the decal “Properties Window” and hit “Enter.” Apply th...
When the basic design is finished, it’s time to bring texture into the mix. You can use fabric textures provided byIskender_Argead hereor look through Roblox communities for more free options available. Subsequently, upload the acquired textures to your image editor and configure them with the...
{ "FStringPartTexturePackTable2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbxassetid://9873284556\",\"rbxassetid://9438453972\"],\"color\":[254,254,254,7]}}", "FStringPartTexturePackTablePre2022": "{\"glass\":{\"ids\":[\"rbxassetid://7547304948\",\"rbxassetid://7546645118\"],\"...
An automated repository that extracts and displays information about the current version of Roblox. Most of the information is miscellaneous, but it provides insight to changes that are being made with each weekly release. - Roblox-Client-Tracker/FVariab
The code in this sample spawns a Part in the Workspace that includes a texture of the given group's emblem. Load Group Emblem local GroupService = game:GetService("GroupService") local function getEmblemAsync(groupId) local groupInfo = GroupService:GetGroupInfoAsync(groupId) return grou...
through the files of a Unity game. The developer of that game created a “fake sky” which is essentially a non-collidable semisphere which follows the player around at all times along the X and Z axis, but not Y. Then, you can simply apply your HDRI skybox as a texture to it and ...
mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1577349" mesh.Parent = handle humanoid:AddAccessory(clockworksShades) BuildRigFromAttachments void This method assembles a tree of Motor6D joints for the Humanoid. Motor6D joints are required for the playback of Animations. Starting from the humanoid's RootPart...