simply join the experience, look for the Swag Booth, and enter each of the codes below. Upon doing so, you will earn the corresponding badge and avatar item!
、、 所以我在roblox工作室上制作了一个CameraScript,当玩家接触到一个机器人时,摄像机会聚焦到机器人上。但是for循环似乎不起作用。end end这是一段无法工作的代码: print("We're hereendend 我尝试将for循环直接放入CharacterAdded事件中,将print()放在调试中,但它只打印了以下内 浏览1提问于2022-01-27得票...
No, but you have to be in the Builders Club to make a Welcome badge and a Winners badge. Not Helpful 9 Helpful 31 Question What should the stud intervals be for the jumps? Community Answer It really depends on levels. If it's level 1, then just a few, gradually making them har...