A Script is a Lua code container that can access server-side objects, properties, and events, such as to award badges to players using BadgeService, while LocalScripts on the client cannot. The instant that the following conditions are met, a script's code is run in a new thread: Its ...
AvatarEditorUtils Provides utility functions to work with the Roblox AvatarEditorService npm i @quenty/avatareditorutils docs source changelog npm AxisAngleUtils Utility functions for axis angles. npm i @quenty/axisangleutils docs source changelog npm BadgeUtils Utility functions involving badges on Ro...
for i = 1,1 do wait() Output("Script Help:", __) Output("Google ROBLOX Script Bot and download it.", __) Output("Find Out Yourself o3o.", __) Output("Idgaf.", __) Output("I wish you the worst of luck.", __) ...
asset="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" table.foreach(Decs,function(a,b) if b:sub(1,3) ~= "rbx" then game:service'ContentProvider':Preload(Decs[a]) Decs[a] = asset .. Decs[a] game:service'ContentProvider':Preload(Decs[a]) end end) a={} a.ClickHold=0 a.c=true -...
A Script is a Lua code container that can access server-side objects, properties, and events, such as to award badges to players using BadgeService, while LocalScripts on the client cannot. The instant that the following conditions are met, a script's code is run in a new thread: Its ...