要创建一个视口框,我们需要在 Roblox Studio 中的 Parts 中找到 ViewportFrame。将其拖拽至场景中,并根据需要进行调整,比如改变大小、位置等等。 2. 设置摄像机 要在视口框中展示场景中的内容,我们需要为其设置摄像机(Camera)视角。将想要展示的场景中的摄像机的实例(Instance)拖拽至视口框内,再将其锁定到视口框...
0.25viewportFrame.Parent=script.Parentlocal part=Instance.new("Part")part.Material=Enum.Material.Concretepart.Color=Color3.new(0.25,0.75,1)part.Position=Vector3.new(0,0,0)part.Parent=viewportFrame local viewportCamera=Instance.new("Camera")viewportFrame.CurrentCamera=viewportCameraviewportCamera.Parent...
I don’t understand what you mean by copying the CFrame part. Btw, when I save the game, the camera inside the Viewport Frame disappears, is it normal? This is after I saved the game and reopened studioEast98 (East98) 2022 年10 月 12 日 12:15 #4 Check to make sure the Current...
The rig displays in the viewport. Pose rig Every animation is made up of a sequence of key poses at different frames, then Studio programmatically interpolates, or "fills in", the in-between frames to create smooth movement. For example, if you were to create a key pose of an arm ...
raycastParams.CollisionGroup ="StudioSelectable"-- 跟隨約定 raycastParams.BruteForceAllSlow =true-- 因此,可以選擇 "false" CanQuery 的零件 localmouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() localmouseRay =workspace.CurrentCamera:ViewportPointToRay(mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y) ...
Camera Quenty's camera system for Roblox npm i @quenty/camera docs source changelog npm CameraInfo Utility method to transfer camera info to and from the client npm i @quenty/camerainfo docs source changelog npm CameraStoryUtils CameraStoryUtils - utility functions for 3D viewport hoarcekat st...
raycastParams.CollisionGroup ="StudioSelectable"-- To follow the convention raycastParams.BruteForceAllSlow =true-- So that parts with CanQuery of "false" can be selected localmouseLocation = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() localmouseRay =workspace.CurrentCamera:ViewportPointToRay(mouseLocation.X,...
An automated repository that extracts and displays information about the current version of Roblox. Most of the information is miscellaneous, but it provides insight to changes that are being made with each weekly release. - Roblox-Client-Tracker/FVariab
DarkViewport.CurrentCamera.CFrame = OffsetPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(camOffsetX, camOffsetY, 0) -- Have to move smaller viewport to mouse, but it doesnt line up local addedX = ((mouse.X / cam.ViewportSize.X) - 0.5) * 19 -- what to multiply by?
Once you are happy with the look and feel of your environment, you can move on to configure your assets and Studio settings to keep your frame rate and performance levels high for low-end devices. This process ensures that nearly every user has the same gameplay and visual experience while ...