partToTween:Destroy() end end) end clickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(activateAction) 虽然此脚本使用一个普通的零件来改变颜色,但也可以用于在 MeshParts 上使用已应用的材质。 MeshParts 通常导入 3D 模型,而不是零件直接在 Roblox Studio 中建造。 如果您使用完全纹理的 MeshPart 工作,我们建议关注中/正...
服務| 說明 :--- | :---TweenService| 用於從開始到結束的音頻播放中監視音頻特性,包括音量、動態效果和音頻震動。MarketplaceService| 允許您聯絡音效群來更好地管理音效群,並且在多個音效群之間更好地工作。ContextActionService 雲朵服務 Roblox 也提供一些專用於處理 Roblox 雲端的任務和程序。下表包括一些常見...
(Line 15,attempt to index nil with 'CharacterAdded' error.) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local blurDelay = 0 --seconds local blurDuration = 6 --seconds local blurEffect ="BlurEffect") blurEffect.Size = 0 blurEffect.Enabled = false blurEf...
Tween Service to creating lifelike NPCs using Rig Builder and AI-driven behaviors, they’ll bring game worlds to life.By the end of this course, your child will have the skills and confidence to develop, publish, and share their own games on the Roblox platform. IMPORTANT NOTE: ...
Tween Service to creating lifelike NPCs using Rig Builder and AI-driven behaviors, they’ll bring game worlds to life.By the end of this course, your child will have the skills and confidence to develop, publish, and share their own games on the Roblox platform. IMPORTANT NOTE: ...
HeightmapImporterService HiddenSurfaceRemovalAsset Highlight HingeConstraint Hint Hole Hopper HopperBin HSRDataContentProvider HttpRbxApiService HttpService Humanoid HumanoidController HumanoidDescription IKControl ILegacyStudioBridge ImageButton ImageHandleAdornment ImageLabel IncrementalPatchBuilder InputObject InsertServ...
【开发】Vangua..风火一时的Warbound枪械,现在却成了垃圾。很多玩家汇报枪械无法使用,亦或是Studio闪退。然而,Warbound开发者Castel_Alfa(StoneFox_Alfa) 却没有放弃。原本的W
local tweenGoal = { Orientation = tweenMath -- Final rotation in degrees (360 degrees around the Y axis) } if tweenDone == false then local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, tweenGoal) tween:Play() tweenDone = true tween.Completed:Connect(function() tweenDone = false end) ...
Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Browse other questions tagged scripting server-side roblox-studio or ask your own questio...
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService") local LS = game:GetService("Lighting") --//Lighting local GuiBlur = LS.GuiBlur --//Variables --Tweening local OpenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.In) ...