partToTween:Destroy() end end) end clickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(activateAction) 虽然此脚本使用一个普通的零件来改变颜色,但也可以用于在 MeshParts 上使用已应用的材质。 MeshParts 通常导入 3D 模型,而不是零件直接在 Roblox Studio 中建造。 如果您使用完全纹理的 MeshPart 工作,我们建议关注中/正...
including a physics system,TweenService, and animations, and analyzing your experience's specific needs can help you determine which one to use. In this section, we'll demonstrate how we determined what type of movement we wanted to create in Studio, and what tools we used to accomplish these...
(Line 15,attempt to index nil with 'CharacterAdded' error.) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local blurDelay = 0 --seconds local blurDuration = 6 --seconds local blurEffect ="BlurEffect") blurEffect.Size = 0 blurEffect.Enabled = false blurEf...
local tweenGoal = { Orientation = tweenMath -- Final rotation in degrees (360 degrees around the Y axis) } if tweenDone == false then local tween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, tweenGoal) tween:Play() tweenDone = true tween.Completed:Connect(function() tweenDone = false end) ...
TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") -- Function to animate the color transition of a single frame local function animateFrame(frame, startColor, endColor, duration) frame.BackgroundColor3 = startColor local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) local tween = ...
Also contains utility to make testing in studio easier. npm i @quenty/friendutils docs source changelog npm FunctionUtils Utility functions involving functions npm i @quenty/functionutils docs source changelog npm Funnels Funnel utility class npm i @quenty/funnels docs source changelog npm Fzy Lua...
var flag = true; function onlyOne() { if(flag) { "这里是要执行的代码"; } ...
local tween = TweenService:Create( decal,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, -1, true), { Transparency = 1 } ) tween:Play() ZIndex number 读取并联 ZIndex 确定画像在同一个 Face 上的装计在哪个顺序。装计在以下优先级순序上渲染:最低值先被渲染,...
Info –TweenInfo instance for the tween, defining its duration, Enum.EasingStyle, Enum.EasingDirection, etc. Properties –Object properties and associated target values for the tween. OnStart Custom function to fire when the tween begins playing. OnHeartbeat Custom function to fire on every Heart...
local BlurTween = TS:Create(GuiBlur, CustomEnterInfo, {Size = 56}) MFrame.Visible = true local ScreenGui = MFrame:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("ScreenGui") ScreenGui.DisplayOrder += 1 PositionalTween:Play() BlurTween:Play() BlurTween.Completed:Wait() ...