所有的声音效果(All Sound Effects) / 所有的声音效果(All Sound Effects) x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 在线编辑 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 分享 举报 扑通》(Kerplunk) 所有的声音效果 / bfsl minifigfoots1(bfsl-minifigfoots1) 下载 格式...
Roblox/所有的声音效果(All Sound Effects)/所有的声音效果(All Sound Effects) 24首 x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 h5播放器flash播放器 在线编辑 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 分享 举报 死了(Died)
您可以为任何武器指定物理投射物,以及用于命中效果和其他特效的Sound|声音、Beam|光束和ParticleEmitter|粒子发射器。 武器Configuration(配置)的子项: ShotEffect (StringValue) (必须) — WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Shots 中储存的射击效果的名称。 ShouldMovePart (BoolValue) (可选) — 若您想让 ShotEffect...
By March 22, our current licensed music catalog will receive a newly curated selection of more than 100,000 rights-cleared songs and more than 100,000 new professionally-produced SFX from top audio and music partners like APM, Monstercat, Pro Sound Effects, Nettwerk Music Group and Position Mus...
Sound Groups are audio mixers that group multiple audio objects so you can control the properties of multiple audio signals at once.
由Roblox或我们的音乐和 SFX 合作伙伴拥有和上传的音频将保持公开状态,任何有任何经验的人都可以使用。我们还添加了超过 100,000 首免费歌曲和 100,000 首免费 SFX 供您使用 - 非常感谢我们在 APM、Monstercat、Pro Sound Effects、Nettwerk Music Group、Position Music 的合作伙伴!
For example, if the user is within a BasePart with a child Sound object, audio plays all around the user, similar to music in headphones playing at the same volume in each speaker. When the user exits the part, audio gradually decreases in volume and becomes more directional per speaker,...
The sound design enhances the gameplay experience with immersive sound effects and background music that matches the game's theme. Each game within the Roblox universe may have its own unique visual and sound design, reflecting the creativity of the developers and the specific genre or theme of ...
Versatile Voice Effects With a rich library of 180+ voice effects, there is no limit to the fun with Vozard. You can sound like a Chipmunk, Taylor Swift, GLaDOS, Darth Vader, Morgan Freeman, Star Wars Voice, Deku, Joe Biden, Helium, Obama, Pennywise, Batman, Mandalorian, and more!
To modify playback of multipleSoundobjects, you can assign them to asound groupand control the entire group's volume, as well as applydynamic effects. There are three locations you can create aSoundobject, and each location determines how audio emits and volume changes in relation to the user...