一个`Class.Sound` 是一个发出声音的对象。声音可以放置在一个 `Class.BasePart` 或 `Class.Attachment` 中,或者可以在任何地方或世界中发出声音的特定场景置附近附加到一起来播放声音。
By March 22, our current licensed music catalog will receive a newly curated selection of more than 100,000 rights-cleared songs and more than 100,000 new professionally-produced SFX from top audio and music partners like APM, Monstercat, Pro Sound Effects, Nettwerk Music Group and Position Mus...
Configure the scene's lighting properties, post-processing effects, atmospheric effects, and skyboxes through the top-level Lighting service. In the Scene Manager plugin window, click Save Lighting for the desired scene. Select and expand that scene's Environment/Lighting configuration and you'll ...
By March 22, our current licensed music catalog will receive a newly curated selection of more than 100,000 rights-cleared songs and more than 100,000 new professionally-produced SFX from top audio and music partners like APM, Monstercat, Pro Sound Effects, Nettwerk Music Group and Position Mus...
In thePropertieswindow, navigate to theSoundIdproperty and input a validaudio asset ID. (Optional)If you want the audio to start playing when the experience begins, enable thePlayingproperty. (Optional)If thisSoundobject is the only track you want to play in the place, enable itsLoopedproperty...
Make your own oof music and songs with Oof Piano. Made with oof roblox death sound and best funny prank sounds. Get it now. Enjoy! *Disclaimer* This app is no…
You just have to get the SoundID from the Roblox marketplace. Step 1 –Open theRoblox Creatorhub in the browser. Step 2–On the Roblox Creator hub, tap the “≡” on the left-hand corner. Step 3 –Finally, tap the “Marketplace” from the left pane. ...
Sound objects Audio playback occurs through Sound objects which emit audio within an experience. Roblox assigns each audio asset a unique ID that you can assign to Sound objects to play a specific sound effect or music track. You can either set this audio to play automatically at runtime, ...
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a tool in the shape of a laser blaster that will play sound effects when equipped or activated. Create the tool The Tool object is the basis of any tool in Roblox, so you'll need to create one. It's easier to change how tools look by...
不同账户的门槛会有所不同。例如,经过ID 验证的帐户将能够每月上传 100 个音频素材。 我们发布了一个新的音频监测插件,以帮助您查看过往或当前的所有音频素材的所有权。我们在下面的隐私更改部分提供了分步指南。 到3 月 22 日,我们当前的授权音乐目录收到来自 APM、Monstercat、Pro Sound Effects、Nettwerk Music...