In-experience Tools are interactive tools that users can equip in sessions, such as swords, rocket launchers, and magic wands. You can create customized in-experience tools, put them in your experience hierarchy, and write scripts to implement them for your users.Create...
This event is typically used to perform an action when the player uses the tool, for instance to launch a rocket from a rocket launcher weapon tool. The below code, when placed in a LocalScript, creates a tool in the local player's Backpack and prints "Tool activated" when the player ...
Indicative of its name, the RPG is a rocket launcher in A Dusty Trip that can quickly kill any player with a single shot. I love using it against Bandits who gang up to attack me and loot my resources. RPGs can be found in garages after crossing the1000 Mmark in the game. Vampire ...
In-experienceToolsare interactive tools that users can equip in sessions, such as swords, rocket launchers, and magic wands. You can create customized in-experience tools, put them in your experience hierarchy, and write scripts to implement them for your users. ...
If you give an NPC a classic rocket launcher, set their TargetPoint, and then call the tool's Tool:Activate() function, you can make the NPC fire a rocket at the target point. UseJumpPower bool Read Parallel When a character spawns, this property is set according to the value of ...