Shindo Life Eye ID – Free boosts! Shindo Life Mask Shindo Life Shikai Forest (Private Server ) – Shindo Life Shindai Valley (Private Server ) – Shinobi Battlegrounds Ship Merge Simulator Shoe Simulator Shonen Smash Shonen Verse Shoot Out Shopping Cart Simulator – Free Coffee and Coins! Shoppi...
In-experience Tools are interactive tools that users can equip in sessions, such as swords, rocket launchers, and magic wands. You can create customized in-experience tools, put them in your experience hierarchy, and write scripts to implement them for your users.Create...
We added new codes! There is no shortage of anime-inspired Roblox games to try, but One Fruit Simulator has the potential to be something very special. Developed by the team behind Anime Journey, it comes with an experienced team behind the helm to help you live out your Straw Hat Pirate...
Looking to earn a super simple free item in a short amount of time? Then you're in luck! The Roblox Classic Cap can unlocked by joining the Roblox Community Space experience and collecting all four of the floating Roblox logos that have been scattered around the map. Once inside of the ...
This event is typically used to perform an action when the player uses the tool, for instance to launch a rocket from a rocket launcher weapon tool. The below code, when placed in a LocalScript, creates a tool in the local player's Backpack and prints "Tool activated" when the player ...
If you want to allow users to collect tools as they move, you can place the tools in theWorkspacein theExplorerhierarchy. For example, you might want to place a super rocket launcher in a hard-to-reach area of your experience world. ...