ModuleScript 是一个类型的 Lua 源容器,运行一次并必须返回一个值。此值然后由 require 给予ModuleScript作为唯一的参数。ModuleScripts 运行一次并只有一次对 Lua 环境,并且在后续调用中返回相同的值。 模块脚本是实现“不要重复自己”(DRY)原则的必需对象。当您写代码时,只需写代码一次并在任何地方使用它。有多个...
JavaScript 是世界上最受欢迎和最讨厌的语言之一。它被爱,因为它是有效的。您只需学习 JavaScript 即可...
WeaponType (StringValue) (必须) — WeaponsSystem/WeaponTypes 文件夹中对应的 ModuleScript 的名称(BulletWeapon 和BowWeapon 是唯二的选项,除非您添加了新的武器类型)。 [WeaponModel] (Model) (必须) 一个或多个 BasePart|BaseParts (必须) — 这些组成了物理武器模型,其中一个应该设置为该模型的 Model/Pr...
Be careful not to have module scripts require each other in a circular manner, which results in aRequested module was required recursivelyerror. The following example returns a table with a single function calledgetPickupBonus. Paste it into your new module script: ...
Since this service is client-side only, it will only work when used in a LocalScript or a ModuleScript required by a LocalScript. As UserInputService is client-side only, users in the game can only detect their own input - and not the input of others. See also ContextActionService, a...
I’ll then require said ModuleScript when needed and use the arguments to locate what is needed; i.e. a Value, BodyMover, Exterior or Interior and then return what is needed. What are your thoughts on this? Note Unsure _G would work in this instance as there will be multiple ships in...
Although since your module needs to be required, I’m concerned over where the bot token goes. But other than that, this has blown my mind. Why not use up some extra roblox resources for your discord bot while the game is running ...
This tool works inside Team Tests and Local Tests, allowing you to interact with other teammates (Or with yourself) while using it to see how much damage one could do with a script of sorts. Project Links: Roblox Developer Forum Discord Server Compiling: CLion 2023.3.4+ MSVC Ninja ...
ApplyTagToTaggedChildren Class that while constructed apply a tag to any children of the parent it is given, assuming that class has the required tag. This lets you bridge tag systems since CollectionService is used as an interop model between many components in scripts. npm i @quenty/apply...
Only scripts which are descendants of an Actor may call this method. If a script outside of an Actor calls this method, an error will be raised. ModuleScript's may also callsynchronizeas long as the instantiation of the module calling it was required by a script that is a descendant of...