localmatchManager =require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("MatchManager")) localgameSettings =require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("GameSettings")) 在变量之后,添加一个while true do循环。游戏循环的所有阶段都会进入内部重复无限。 -- 模块脚本 localmoduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts") ...
local moduleScripts = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("ModuleScripts") local playerManager = require(moduleScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerManager")) function MatchManager.prepareGame() playerManager.sendPlayersToMatch() end return MatchManager 使用至少最低玩家数量的 本地服务器 进行测试。确认您可以看到以...
此技巧通常用于 `ModuleScript|ModuleScripts`,其中模块的表包含各种函数: local MathModule = {} function MathModule.addNumbers(num1, num2) local sum = num1 + num2 return sum end function MathModule.subtractNumbers(num1, num2) local difference = num1 - num2 return difference end return Math...
在StarterPlayerScripts(StarterPlayer 的子项)内创建一个新的 LocalScript。 删除脚本中所有现存行,然后粘贴以下代码。如有需要,从第 9 行开始输入其他音轨名称和音频 ID(请参阅上文中的音频市场或上传自定义音频)。 -- Roblox 服务 local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- 对模块进...
您只需学习 JavaScript 即可制作全栈应用程序。它也被讨厌,因为它以出乎意料和令人不安的方式行事,如果...
After running this, you can survey through the results in the output window for unexpected scripts. All Scripts, LocalScripts, and ModuleScripts all inherit the LuaSourceContainer class and it scans all descendants of the defined location, so it’ll find everything! Here’s a quick example I...
Example scripts (bug applies to all maps): The floor is lava: local status = workspace.Stats.Status return function(map) for i = 10, 1, -1 do status.Value = `Lava will start rising in {i} second{i == 1 and "" or "s"}!` ...
Roblox使用正规恒等式,基本是将一个lua块/对象分配给一个特定的数字。它们对脚本和LocalScripts使用2,它们只能使用非安全的函数,而命令栏可以访问所有的东西,即LocalUserSecurity和RobloxPlaceSecurity。 浏览0提问于2014-12-25得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 如何在roblox中使光标上的按钮发挥作用? 、 我只是想知道如何...
local Players = game:GetService("Players") Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) print(player.Name .. " joined the game!") end) Functions in module scripts You can reuse functions across multiple scripts by storing them in ModuleScripts. Functions are a Luau data type, so you can...
local Players = game:GetService("Players") Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) print(player.Name .. " joined the game!") end) Functions in module scripts You can reuse functions across multiple scripts by storing them in ModuleScripts. Functions are a Luau data type, so you can...