robbing peter to pay paul成语是:挖东补西。例句:挖东墙补西墙可不行,你还是得背债。There is no point in robbing Peter to pay Paul. You will still be in debt.Editor: Jade 1 Fight tooth and nail 牙齿和指甲一起拼 全力以赴 2 A land of milk and honey 遍地牛奶蜜糖的土地 鱼米...
Reports that tycoon Peter Ogden has pledged 25 million pounds in his Ogden Trust to help poor children in Great Britain to go to private schools. How the Ogden Trust was funded; Why he chose to give to education; Bursaries to be paid by the Ogden Trust.Passmore...
点评:“Robbing Peter to pay Paul” 这一短语,字面意思是“抢劫彼得去支付保罗”,意思是通过借用或占用一种资源来解决另一种问题,但并没有真正解决根本问题。这个表达通常形容一种短视或不平衡的行为,即为了弥补一个漏洞,去损害或剥夺另一个方面的资源或利益,最终只是在不同地方引发新的问题。中国类似的说法是拆...
robbing peter to pay paul发音 意思翻译 抢彼得还保罗 相似词语短语 rob Peter to pay Paul───vi.剜肉补疮;借债还钱;借东西还东西 双语使用场景 Sometimes he was moving money from one account to another, robbing Peter to pay Paul.───有的时候他把钱从一个账户转到另一个账户,拆东墙补西墙。
991112课程摘要 & 拼布's英翻中 -... ... King’s Crown 国王的皇冠Robbing Peter to Pay Paul劫富济贫Fish 鱼 ...|基于3个网页 3. 彼得来付保罗 ...三十多兆美元,目前只是挖东墙以补西墙, 正所谓抢了彼得来付保罗(Robbing Peter to pay Paul)!
字面意思是:抢彼德的东西给保罗 真正意思是:“借花献佛”
Robbing peter to pay paul!什么意思 zqvtwwg2013.12.06浏览126次中小学作业分享举报zqvtwwg 采纳率:42% 等级:12 已帮助:14315人 私信TA向TA提问 1个回答 满意答案 vivi_pandas 2013.12.07 vivi_pandas 采纳率:50% 等级:12 已帮助:11356人 私信TA向TA提问 字面意思是:抢彼德的东西给保罗 真正意思是:“借...
有谁知道Robbing peter to pay paul 什么意思没?收藏 回复 吧友218.61.110.* 回复 天空♂翅膀 羊毛出在羊身上 回复 共有1页 跳到 页 回复贴:1普通登录 手机登录 帐号 用户名/验证邮箱 密码 记住我的登录状态 忘记密码? 还没有百度帐号?立即注册 给新版提点意见吧 贴吧垃圾信息处理公示 贴吧...
it is obvious that this was merely a case of robbing peter to pay paul .there was no real clearing up of the outstanding debt A. 显然,这只是拆东墙补西墙,要测地了解这么多债务是绝对不可能的 B. 很明显,这只是一个抢彼得去还保罗的案子。。。引人瞩目的债务并没有真正结清 相关...
ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 69 作者: LR Ember 摘要: U.S. EFFORTS TO DESTROY ITS AGing stocks of chemical weapons appear to be spiraling out of control. A program that the Pentagon in 1985 said would take 10 years and cost $ 1.9 billion has now soared to $...