In 2022, the third leading cause of adult deaths in the United States was unintentional injury [1]. In patients aged one to twenty-four years of age, unintentional injury ranks as the prevailing cause of death, accounting for more mortality than all other causes combined [2], with road tra...
But on another hand in every one hour, 18 road crash deaths are happening. As per MoRTH Report 2022, 4,61,312 Road Crashes 1,68,491 fatalities, and 4,43,366 people got injured. This is high time to take the step steps to make the Roads more Safer with more participation of the ...
There were about 46,000 motor vehicle-related deaths in 2022. Here are a few factors contributing to road accidents in the USA. Distracted Driving Distracted driving causes hundreds of road accidents. Distractions can include anything from texting or using a cell phone while driving. They also in...
The reasons for their deaths are the same as the insects’: habitat loss, chemical poisoning, and lack of food, which sets them up for disease. The same thing is happening to wild mammals who eat insects, such as bats, rodents, and hedgehogs. A lot of predatory mammals eat the little ...
My favorite fact about this bridge: Before it opened in 1937, during its construction the city laid a safety net under the floor of the bridge. It was massive and stretched the length of the bridge. The net saved over 19 men from falling to their deaths. Those guys became part of a ...
This chapter covers design of rural roads according to the model for safe traffic used in the Vision Zero approach. Based on expected levels of the safety of vehicles and road users, the roads and the road side furniture should be designed to avoid fatal
, and speeding. Furthermore, the lateral clearance (off-set) and the vertical profile of the safety barrier are likely to influence the longitudinal and transversal driving behaviour since they are careful not to collide with the barriers (Ben-Bassat and Shinar, 2011,Lioi et al., 2022)....
GBD, which is the only project that models the road-user distribution of traffic deaths in all countries, likely severely underestimates motorcycle deaths in countries where there has been a recent increase in motorcycles. Addressing police under-reporting and strengthening surveillance capacity in ...
Despite progress, breast cancer remains the most feared disease among women. In the USA alone, the incidence is now almost 300,000 new cancers per year, a
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