Three indicators of road accidents were utilized, namely, deaths, injuries, and accidents that involve casualties. Furthermore, 5 indicators of pollution were examined, i.e., Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Greenhouse gas, Nitrogen oxides, and Sulphur oxides. The results clearly revealed the ...
Road Traffic Deaths Due To Alcohol - USA Among The LeadersDrinkingDriving
“zero vision” for all road deaths and injuries by 2050 (EC, 2017b). Another important aspect is that the rapid increase of the tunnels, should not allow complacency, especially, for member states like Greece, which quite recently have constructed tunnels in its national motorways (Benekos ...
For example, speeding-related deaths accounted for 14.4% of the total number of road traffic accident deaths in 2006 in China, which was the highest among traffic violations (Yu, 2009). In the USA, approximately 29% of fatal crashes were associated with speeding (IIHS, 2013). The accidents...
Drunk driving can also contribute to road accidents in the USA. In 2018, there were 10,511 deaths due to drunk driving accidents. They accounted for 29% of motor vehicle deaths. Drinking and driving is illegal and hazardous. If you plan on drinking, it is crucial to have a designated dri...
Road diets on high-traffic corridors — even right here in the automotive capital of the world, where driving is considered a God-given right and obligation — dropped traffic deaths and serious injuries by anywhere from a third, to complete elimination. ...
In 2022, the third leading cause of adult deaths in the United States was unintentional injury [1]. In patients aged one to twenty-four years of age, unintentional injury ranks as the prevailing cause of death, accounting for more mortality than all other causes combined [2], with road tra...
According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, there were 29,969 non-motor vehicle traffic accidents in China in 2020, including 4,373 deaths and 33,636 injuries. The direct property loss of non-motor vehicle traffi c accidents amounted to 62.71 million Chinese ...
In addition to deaths on the roads, up to 50 million people incur nonfatal injuries each year as a result of road traffic crashes [33]. It is estimated that motor vehicle collisions caused the deaths of around 60 million people during the 20th century, around the same as the number of ...
2023, Analytic Methods in Accident Research Citation Excerpt : Driver's demography (age and gender) is also related to driving behaviour, influencing run-off-road crash severity outcome (Behnood & Mannering, 2015; Islam & Mannering, 2006). For example, in several studies, young drivers involved...