But on another hand in every one hour, 18 road crash deaths are happening. As per MoRTH Report 2022, 4,61,312 Road Crashes 1,68,491 fatalities, and 4,43,366 people got injured. This is high time to take the step steps to make the Roads more Safer with more participation of the ...
Despite progress, breast cancer remains the most feared disease among women. In the USA alone, the incidence is now almost 300,000 new cancers per year, a
“zero vision” for all road deaths and injuries by 2050 (EC, 2017b). Another important aspect is that the rapid increase of the tunnels, should not allow complacency, especially, for member states like Greece, which quite recently have constructed tunnels in its national motorways (Benekos ...
Drunk driving can also contribute to road accidents in the USA. In 2018, there were 10,511 deaths due to drunk driving accidents. They accounted for 29% of motor vehicle deaths. Drinking and driving is illegal and hazardous. If you plan on drinking, it is crucial to have a designated dri...
(seeYan et al., 2023,Chang et al., 2021for a detailed review of these studies). However, separating data by multiple years is likely to result in a small data sample which can result in difficulties in statical inference. In this study, run-off-road crash records for the selected study...
In 2022, the third leading cause of adult deaths in the United States was unintentional injury [1]. In patients aged one to twenty-four years of age, unintentional injury ranks as the prevailing cause of death, accounting for more mortality than all other causes combined [2], with road tra...
A conservative estimate gives over 900 deaths caused by on-road rollovers of vehicles in the USA for the year 1996. These vehicles roll over because the forces the tires produce in the sideways (lateral) direction are strong enough to roll the vehicle over. A method called anti-rollover ...
Assessing the cause of in-patients pediatric diarrheal deaths: an analysis of hospital records. Indian Pediatr. 32, 313–321 (1995). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Brooks, J. T. et al. Epidemiology of sporadic bloody diarrhea in rural Western Kenya. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 68, 671–677 ...
(2010) reported that road traffic deaths per 100 million kilometres driven on interurban roads in low-income countries is more than 35 times higher than on similar roads in Europe or United States of America. This has been attributed to unsafe driver behaviour through excessive speeding and danger...
regiSspteerceidficvaelhlyi,cdleast,apoonpAul1a1t, iAon21,, aAn3d1, iCn1s1t,iCtu1t2i,oannadl Cfr2a2mweewreorckosm27p,4i4l–e4d6.frTohme WHO's records on road safety deaths, WHO Global Status Report on Road SCoab3f3te,atiaynnepddroCfrv3oi4dmwesethrdeeirgaeafcotthreedmraete...