真核生物的RNase P是最晚被证明是核酶的。真核RNase P的众多蛋白质亚基对tRNA加工本身的贡献很小,它们似乎对RNase P在其他生物环境中的功能至关重要,例如基因转录和细胞周期。 研究意义 细菌和真核的RNase P RNA有相同的起源祖先,但是却沿着不同的进化道路有了分化:真核的RNase P RNA在没有蛋白的存在的时候是...
One of them, MCS5 RNA, is a homolog of RNase P RNA. The predicted secondary structure of this RNA is essentially the same as that of other eubacterial RNase P RNAs. MCS5 RNA is more similar to the RNase P RNA of B. subtilis than to that of E. coli . This is consistent with ...
Ribonuclease P (RNase P) is the onlytrans-acting RNA enzyme found in all kingdoms of life, a multiturnover ribozyme that edits the 5′ ends of precursor tRNA (pre-tRNA) and other RNAs10,30,31. Human RNase P processes the metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT-1), ...
RNase P是一种核酸内切酶,由RNA和蛋白质组成。无活性的RNase P通过与前体tRNA特异性结合被激活,激活的RNase P剪切前体tRNA,所得的成熟tRNA进入细胞质基质中发挥作用。以下关于RNase P分析正确的是( ) A. RNase P可能存在于细胞核中 B. RNase P能够催化tRNA基因的转录 C. 通过破坏磷酸二酯键和氢键剪切前体tRNA...
20世纪80年代,科学家发现了一种酶——RNase P。分析发现,RNase P由蛋白质和RNA组成。研究发现,将这种酶中的蛋白质除去,并提高剩余物质的浓度,留下来的RNA仍然具有与这种酶相同的催化活性。这一研究结果表明( ) A. 一些RNA具有生物催化作用 B. 酶都是由RNA和蛋白质组成的 C. 酶的化学本质都是蛋白质 D. 所...
RNase P中的RNA为___,蛋白质为___。的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,是学习的生产力工具
The slow folding kinetics, Mg2+-independence of the rate, and existence of intermediates are basic features of the folding mechanism of the Tetrahymena group I intron that are also found in RNase P RNA, suggesting these may be general features of the folding of large RNAs. 展开 ...
Analysis of RNase P Structure and Function. (Under the direction of James W. Brown.) The diversity of Archaea in municipal wastewater sludge was investigated by amplification of rRNA sequences from sludge DNA using archaeal-specific primers. The most common sequences were extreme halophiles; also...
RNase P 是一种核酸内切酶,由 RNA 和蛋白质组成。无活性的 RNase P 通过与前体 tRNA特异性结合被激活,激活的 RNase P 剪切前体 tRNA,所得的成熟 tRNA 进入细胞质基质中发挥作用。以下关于 RNase P 分析错误的是 A. 通过破坏磷酸二酯键剪切前体 tRNA B. RNase P 能够催化 tRNA 基因的转录 C. RNase P ...
Folding of bacterial RNase P RNAThis review summarizes our current knowledge on Mg2+-induced and co-transcriptional folding of bacterial RNase P RNAs. The chapter includes descriptions of experimental techniques and data analysis usdoi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1142-1_5Tao Pan...