一些原核生物拥有一个额外的RNase H2型基因,在用于原核生物基因的罗马数字命名法中命名为RNase HIII。RNase HIII蛋白通过序列同一性和结构相似性与RNaseH2组更密切相关,但其底物偏好与RNase H1更为相似。与广泛分布于原核生物中的RNase HI和RNase HII不同,RNase HIII只存在于少数的生物中;它在古细菌中较为常见,...
酶的结构域组织各不相同;RNase H1的一些原核和大多数真核成员在N端都有一个额外的小结构域,称为“杂合结合域”,它促进了与RNA:DNA杂合双链的结合,而H1组的所有成员和H2组的原核成员都作为单体发挥作用,而真核H2酶是专性异源三聚体。原核RNase HIII酶是更广泛的H2基团的成员,并且与H2共享大多数结构特征,并添...
RNase HIII RNase HIII 是一种内切核糖核酸酶,与RNase HII类似,特异性切割DNA双链中RNA碱基5’端的磷酸二酯键,产生切口,产生5’磷酸和3’羟基末端。RNaseHII还将沿着冈崎片段的RNA部分切割多个位点(即RNase H 活性)。该酶不水解纯DNA链、单链RNA。RNase HIII 偏好Mn2+离子,RNase HII偏好Mg2+离子。 本公司...
RNase HIII200U560和RNase HII活性类似,但偏好Mn2+离子。 1000U2240 二结构特异性核酸酶 Thermostable FEN11600U520冈崎片段加工成熟和碱基切除修复的核心酶。用于切除 DNA flap 结构,DNA、RNA 内切酶。 8000U2080 AP位点内切酶 热稳定内切核酸酶IV1000U480高温下水解无碱基位点,可用于DNA损伤修复、携带Spacer的分子探...
RNase HII is widely distributed in bacteria andarchaea, while RNase HIII is only present in a limited number of bacteria[343]. Proteins similar to HI and HII (named H1 and H2, respectively) can also be found in eukaryotes, but are larger and more complex than their prokaryotic counterparts ...
subtilis NCIB 3610 and that the plasmid encoded RNase HI contributes to chromosome stability while the chromosomally encoded RNase HIII is important for chromosome stability and plasmid hyper-replication.doi:10.1111/mmi.14601Taylor M. NyeDepartment of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology ...
Crystal structure and structure-based mutational analyses of RNase HIII from Bacillus stearothermophilus: a new type 2 RNase H with TBP-like substrate-binding domain at the N terminus. J Mol Biol 2006; 356:165-78; PMID: 16343535; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2005.11.017...
In the present study, mutagenesis analyses and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed on RNase HIII from Chlamydophila pneumoniae AR39 (CpRNase HIII). Our results elucidate the mechanism of ribonucleotide recognition employed by CpRNase HIII, indicating that the G95/K96/G97 motif of...